1. Hebrews 11 emphasizes the necessity of faith. a. According to vs.6, without faith a person cannot please God. b. However, by faith a person can obtain a good report from God (vs.2). 2. This chapter also tells about the faith that was demonstrated by a number of men and women in the Old Testament. 3. In this lesson we are concentrating on the faith of Isaac (vs.20). a. Through his faith, Isaac blessed his sons concerning things in the future. b. His faith shows how we can have confidence in things that we have not seen (vs.1). Discussion: I. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION
A. Isaac was born to Sarah, just as God had promised (Genesis 17:19, 21; 21:1-5). B. Eventually, Isaac married Rebekah who gave birth to Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:19-28). C. God made the same promise to Isaac that He had made to Abraham (Genesis 26:1-5, 23-24). II. (GENESIS 27) ISAAC BLESSED JACOB AND ESAU
A. (vs.1-5) Isaac desired to bless Esau before he died. B. (vs.6-17) Rebekah devised a plan whereby Jacob would receive Isaac's blessing. C. (vs.18-29) Isaac blessed Jacob with the blessing he had intended to give to Esau. D. (vs.30-40) Esau came to Isaac to receive his blessing. E. (vs.41-46) Rebekah learned of Esau's hatred for Jacob, and she instructed Jacob to leave. F. However, before Jacob left, . . . III. (GENESIS 28:1-5) ISAAC PRONOUNCED A SPECIAL BLESSING UPON JACOB
A. Isaac believed the promises that God made to him and Abraham. B. He had faith that God would fulfill His promise to Jacob.