We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10)
1. In John 14:3 Jesus said to His disciples, "I will come again." 2. According to the Scriptures, some special events will take place when Jesus returns. 3. Jesus mentioned one event ["the resurrection"] in John 5:28-29 when He said, "all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth." 4. In our lesson we are concentrating on another event ["the judgment"] that is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:10 -- "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ." Discussion: I. LET US FIRST ESTABLISH THE FACT THAT THE JUDGMENT WILL OCCUR
A. The Old Testament taught that the judgment will occur (Ecclesiastes 11:9; 12:13-14). B. The New Testament teaches that the judgment will take place (Hebrews 9:27). II. LET US NEXT ESTABLISH WHEN THE JUDGMENT WILL OCCUR
A. There will be a "day" of judgment (Acts 17:30-31; Romans 2:16; 2 Peter 3:7). B. To be more specific, judgment will occur when Christ returns (2 Timothy 4:1; Matthew 25:31-33). 1. No one knows when Christ will return (Matthew 24:42, 44). 2. We are to "watch" and "be ready" for the Lord's return because the judgment will take place at that time. III. FINALLY, LET US ESTABLISH SOME ADDITIONAL DETAILS THAT RELATE TO THE JUDGMENT
A. Christ will be the judge (John 5:22, 26-27). B. Everyone will be judged. 1. "All" will appear before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10-12). 2. Included are "the quick and the dead" (Acts 10:42; 1 Peter 4:5). C. Each person will be judged by: 1. his judgment of others (Matthew 7:1-2) 2. his words (Matthew 12:36-37) 3. his works (Matthew 16:27) 4. his assistance of the needy (Matthew 25:31-46) 5. what is written in the books (Revelation 20:12; John 12:48). Conclusion:
1. Now is the time to prepare for the judgment. 2. Those who prepare and stay prepared do not have to be afraid of the judgment. 3. Those who are ready can actually look forward to it. 4. Are you ready to face Jesus in judgment?