1.The book of Proverbs addresses a number of important subjects. 2.One particular subject that receives a lot of attention in Proverbs is "pride." 3.Let us notice a few passages that mention "pride." a.Proverbs shows us how God feels about "pride." 1)(6:16-17) "A proud look" is first on a list of 6 things that God hates and 7 things that are an abomination to Him. 2)(8:13) God hates "pride." 3)(16:5a) "Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord." b.Proverbs shows us that certain things are associated with "pride." 1)(11:2a) "When pride cometh, then cometh shame." 2)(13:10a) "Only by pride cometh contention." 3)(28:25a) "He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife." c.Proverbs shows us what will happen to the proud. 1)(29:23a) "A man's pride shall bring him low." 2)(15:25a) "The Lord will destroy the house of the proud." 3)(16:18) A proud person will fall and be destroyed. 4.These passages indicate that pride is a serious matter. 5.In our lesson we will see these principles demonstrated in the lives of 2 men that we read about in Daniel: Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar.
A.The king had a dream about a tree that grew very tall, but it was later cut down. B.Daniel interpreted the dream (vs.24-27). C.Nebuchadnezzar did not listen to Daniel, and about a year later his pride got him into trouble (vs.28-33). D.The king finally learned an important lesson (vs.34-37).
A.While he hosted a drunken feast, a message was written on the wall. B.Daniel was asked to interpret the message. 1.Daniel first showed Belshazzar that he should have learned a lesson from Nebuchadnezzar (vs.18-24). 2.He interpreted the message (vs.25-28). 3.Belshazzar lost his life that night, and his kingdom was taken (vs.30-31).
1.These 2 kings of Babylon illustrate the principles we touched on earlier in the book of Proverbs. a.God certainly hates "pride" -- it is an abomination to Him. b.Certain things are associated with "pride" -- shame, contention, and strife. c.What will happen to the proud -- they will be brought low, their houses will be destroyed, and they will fall. 2.On the basis of this information we have covered from the Old Testament, let us consider 2 admonitions given in the New Testament. a.(James 4:6-7) "Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God." b.(1 Peter 5:5-6) "Be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time."