Ruth 03
1. The book of Ruth provides an illustration of God's providential care for His children. 2. Review of ch.1: a. During the time when the judges ruled Israel, a man named Elimelech took his family from Bethlehem to Moab because of a famine. b. His wife was Naomi, and they had 2 sons: Mahlon and Chilion. c. Elimelech died in Moab, leaving Naomi a widow. d. Naomi's sons married women from Moab, but her sons died, leaving her childless. e. Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem after she heard that the Lord had blessed her people by giving them bread. f. Orpah remained in Moab, but Ruth went to Bethlehem with Naomi. g. When Naomi returned to her home, she wanted to be called "Mara." 3. Review of ch.2: a. After they returned to Bethlehem, Ruth went to glean some grain. b. She gleaned in the field of Boaz, a wealthy relative of Elimelech. c. Boaz was attracted to Ruth, and he saw that Ruth received plenty of grain. d. (vs.20) Naomi was pleased that Ruth had gleaned in Boaz's field. 4. (ch.3) Ruth let Boaz know that she wanted him to marry her. Discussion: I. LET US FIRST EXAMINE SEVERAL JEWISH LAWS A. "The law of redemption" 1. (Leviticus 25:23-24) The Jews could not sell their land on a permanent basis. a. When the Israelites settled Canaan, it was divided among the tribes and families. b. The land was to stay in each family. 2. (Leviticus 25:25-28) If property had to be sold, it could be "redeemed" by a relative. B. "The law of inheritance" (Numbers 27:8-11) C. "The law of marriage for widows" [levirate marriage] (Deuteronomy 25:5-10) II. (3:1-5) NAOMI DEVISED A PLAN FOR GETTING RUTH AND BOAZ TOGETHER A. Boaz was "winnowing" [separating the chaff from the grain] his barley that night. B. Naomi told Ruth to get dressed up and to go to the place where Boaz was working. C. After Boaz went to sleep, Ruth was to lie down at his feet. D. Ruth agreed to carry out this plan. III. (3:6-7) RUTH FOLLOWED NAOMI'S INSTRUCTIONS IV. (3:8-13) THE RESULTS: A. Boaz woke up and found Ruth lying at his feet. 1. He asked who she was. 2. Ruth informed Boaz that she wanted him to perform the role of a near kinsman. B. (vs.10-11) Boaz praised Ruth. 1. She could have pursued a younger man, but she was obeying God's law. 2. Boaz seemed to be happy to fulfill her request. 3. Ruth had gained quite a reputation -- everyone knew that she was "a virtuous woman." C. Unfortunately, there was a problem. 1. (vs.12) There was a kinsman nearer than Boaz. 2. However, Boaz said he would perform the role of a kinsman if the other relative would not. V. (3:14-18) RUTH RETURNED TO NAOMI A. Ruth left before anyone could recognize her. B. Boaz gave Ruth some barley to take home. C. Ruth told Naomi what had happened. D. Naomi was confident that Boaz would be diligent in taking care of the situation. |