Blessings in the Revelation
1. In His Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12), Jesus showed how certain people are "blessed." 2. Similar statements are found throughout the Bible, including the Revelation. 3. In our lesson we are examining several of the special blessings that John recorded in his book. Discussion: I. THOSE WHO REACT PROPERLY TO THE MESSAGE IN THE REVELATION ARE "BLESSED" A. (Revelation 1:3) A blessing is pronounced upon "he" who reads this message and "they" who hear this message and keep the things written in it. 1. This message is identified in vs.1-2. a. It is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ." b. God gave it to Christ, and the Lord's angel "signified" it to John who recorded it. 2. John sent this message to the 7 churches in Asia (vs.4, 11). 3. We must hear this message (ch.2-3), and we must not alter it (22:18-19). B. To react properly to the Revelation, we must: 1. "keep" the sayings in it (22:7) 2. obey the Lord's commands (22:14). II. (Revelation 16:15) THOSE WHO WATCH AND KEEP THEIR GARMENTS ARE "BLESSED" A. The first step in keeping our garments is having them cleansed by the Lord's blood (7:13-14). B. After having our garments cleansed, we must not allow them to become defiled (3:4). C. Jesus emphasized watching for His return in Matthew 24:42; 25:13. III. (Revelation 14:13) THOSE WHO DIE IN THE LORD ARE "BLESSED" A. The way we get into the Lord is explained in: 1. Romans 6:3-4 2. Galatians 3:26-27. B. After getting into the Lord we must abide in Him (John 15: 4, 7). C. Those who serve the Lord faithfully throughout their lives will receive "a crown of life" (Revelation 2:10). D. Heaven is described in Revelation 21:1-4, 22-27; 22:1-5. |