Prophecies Relating to God's Kingdom (Isaiah 2:2-4)
1.Last Sunday we studied a dream of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2). 2.Daniel first revealed the dream, and then he gave the interpretation. 3.Several important prophecies that related to God's kingdom were made. a.It would be established when the kings of the 4th world empire ruled. b. It would last forever -- it will never be destroyed. c.It would be like a stone that became a great mountain and filled the earth. 4.Today we are examining a number of other prophecies from the Old and New Testaments that relate to God's kingdom.
A.Isaiah 2:2-4 1.Isaiah did not specifically use the word "kingdom." 2.However, he did mention: a.something that would occur "in the last days" b.the mountain of the Lord's house being established c.the Lord's Word going forth from Jerusalem. B.Micah 4:1-3 1.Notice how similar this prophecy is to Isaiah's. 2.What was this prophecy about? (see Micah 4:6-8) C.Joel 2:28-32 1.Joel did not specifically use the word "kingdom." 2.However, he did mention: a.something that would occur at a later time b.God's Spirit being poured out upon all flesh c.deliverance being found in Jerusalem by those who would call on the Lord's name.
A.Matthew 3:1-2 1.John announced that the kingdom was near. 2.According to Luke 3:1-2, Tiberius Caesar was ruling as the head of the Roman Empire (the 4th world empire). B.Matthew 4:17 1.Jesus preached the same message that John preached. 2.As Jesus sent His apostles out on the limited commission, He instructed them to preach the same message (Matthew 10:7). C.Matthew 16:13-19 1.(vs.18) Jesus said: a.that He would build His church on a "rock" [the fact the He is the Christ, the Son of the living God] b.that the gates of Hades would not prevent His church from being built. 2.(vs.19) Jesus: a.spoke about His church and the kingdom of heaven interchangeably b.said that the keys of the kingdom would be given to Peter. D.Matthew 16:28 1.The Lord's kingdom would come during the lifetimes of some of the people present on that occasion. 2.(Mark 9:1) God's kingdom would also come with "power."
1.Lord willing, next Sunday we will show when these prophecies were fulfilled. 2.By doing so, we will know when and where God's kingdom was established. 3.(Joel 2:32) Those who call on the name of the Lord will be delivered (see Acts 22:16).