Ruth 04
1. Review of ch.1: a. An Israelite named Elimelech took his family from Bethlehem to Moab. b. In Moab, Elimelech and his 2 sons died. c. Elimelech's widow, Naomi, returned to Bethlehem (vs.20-21). d. (vs.22) Naomi probably did not realize it at the time, but the Lord was blessing her. 2. Review of ch.2: a. Naomi's daughter-in-law, Ruth, came in contact with Boaz. b. Ruth gleaned in Boaz's field. c. Boaz was attracted to Ruth, and he was a wealthy relative of Elimelech. d. Boaz may have been able to redeem Naomi's property and marry Ruth. 3. Review of ch.3: a. Ruth informed Boaz that she wanted him to take her for his wife. b. (vs.12) A problem existed -- there was a relative who was nearer kin than Boaz. c. (vs.13) Boaz said he would fulfill the role of a kinsman if the other relative would not. d. (vs.18) Naomi was confident that Boaz would take care of this matter quickly. 4. (ch.4) The story of Ruth has a happy ending. Discussion: I. (4:1-8) BOAZ OBTAINED THE RIGHT TO REDEEM NAOMI'S PROPERTY A. (vs.1-4) Boaz confronted the other relative. 1. They met at the gate where matters like this were settled (Deuteronomy 16:18). 2. Boaz informed the other relative that Naomi was selling land that belonged to her husband. 3. Jewish laws that related to selling land: a. (Leviticus 25:23-24) The land could not be sold on a permanent basis. b. (Leviticus 25:25-28) If property had to be sold, a relative could redeem it. 4. The other relative agreed to redeem the land. B. (vs.5-6) Boaz informed the relative that he would also have to marry Ruth. 1. According to the law of inheritance (Numbers 27:8), Ruth would have been Elimelech's heir. 2. As the near kinsman, this man would have to marry Ruth because her deceased husband had no living brothers (Deuteronomy 25:5-6). 3. The relative could not take Ruth for his wife, so he told Boaz to be the redeemer. C. (vs.7-8) The relative removed his shoe. 1. By doing this, the relative gave up his right to be the redeemer (Deuteronomy 25:7-10). 2. Boaz became the rightful redeemer. II. (4:9-12) THE EVENTS THAT TRANSPIRED WERE MADE KNOWN A. Boaz called upon the elders and the people to serve as witnesses. B. The people offered a blessing upon Boaz and Ruth. III. (4:13-17) NAOMI BECAME A MOTHER AGAIN IV. (4:18-22) RUTH AND BOAZ ARE IN AN IMPORTANT GENEALOGY A. David descended from them. B. Also, Jesus descended from them (Matthew 1:5). Conclusion: 1. Many important lessons can be learned from the book of Ruth. 2. We need to learn these lessons (Romans 15:4). a. God's providential care is demonstrated throughout the book of Ruth (Romans 8:28). b. As long as we live this life we will face hardships, but the book of Ruth teaches us that God will bless us in the end if we are faithful to Him (James 5:11). c. God's commandments are for our good (Psalm 19:7-11). |