1. In our lesson we are concentrating on some key passages that relate to "cooperation in the Lord's body." 2. Cooperation is essential in any organization. 3. Cooperation is also essential in the Lord's body. 4. Let us begin by showing that . . . Discussion: I. THE LORD'S BODY [THE CHURCH] IS COMPOSED OF MEMBERS
A. This principle is addressed in Romans 12:4-5. B. This principle is also addressed in 1 Corinthians 12:13-14. 1. Vs.13 shows that we are baptized into the Lord's body -- this applies to everyone, including Jews, Gentiles, bond, and free. a. The Bible teaches that we are saved when we are baptized (Mark 16:16;1 Peter 3:21). b. When we are saved, the Lord adds us to His church [body] (Acts 2:47). 2. We understand how the Lord's body is composed of many members. C. Since the Lord's body is composed of many members from a variety of backgrounds and possessing different talents, there is potential for: 1. good, if a spirit of cooperation prevails 2. evil, if cooperation is hindered by pride, jealousy, or ego. II. IN THE LORD'S BODY THERE IS NO ROOM FOR PRIDE, JEALOUSY, OR EGO
A. This is illustrated in 1 Corinthians 12:15-17, 21. B. Some Old Testament characters got in trouble because of this. 1. Miriam and Aaron became jealous of Moses (Numbers 12:1-2). 2. Korah became jealous of Moses and Aaron (Numbers 16:1-3). C. Things such as pride, jealousy, and ego are detrimental to the Lord's body. III. EACH MEMBER MUST CONTRIBUTE WHAT HE/SHE IS ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE
A. This principle is emphasized in: 1. Romans 12:6-8 2. 1 Peter 4:10-11. B. When each member does what he/she is able to do, the Lord's body will be edified, and it will increase (Ephesians 4:16). Conclusion:
1. We know how to become members of the Lord's body. 2. We know that each member is important. 3. When a spirit of cooperation prevails among God's people, the Lord's body will be blessed, and He will be glorified.