1. Faith will enable a person to be in good standing with God (Hebrews 11:2, 6). 2. A number of Old Testament characters that are mentioned in Hebrews 11 illustrate this principle very well. 3. Previously, we have examined the faith of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob. 4. (vs.22) Joseph demonstrated his faith at the end of his life as he: a. "made mention of the departing of the children of Israel" b. "gave commandment concerning his bones." 5. However, Joseph's faith was demonstrated earlier in his life when: a. he was a slave in Potiphar's house (Genesis 39:1-4) b. he was in prison (Genesis 39:20-23) c. he interpreted Pharaoh's dreams (Genesis 41:14-16) d. he revealed himself to his brothers (Genesis 45:4-8) e. he spoke to his brothers after Jacob's death (Genesis 50:15-21). Discussion:
A. This is recorded in Genesis 50:22-24. 1. (vs.22-23) Joseph was blessed with a long life in Egypt. 2. (vs.24) Just before his death, Joseph told his brethren that God would bring them from Egypt to Canaan. B. Joseph knew that God had promised to give Canaan to the descendants of: 1. Abraham (Genesis 12:5-7; 15:7-21) 2. Isaac (Genesis 26:1-4) 3. Jacob (Genesis 28:10-13). C. Joseph had seen his father and his family settle in Egypt where they began to multiply (Genesis 47:27-28). D. Joseph had faith that God would keep His promises by bringing the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. II. BY FAITH, JOSEPH "GAVE COMMANDMENT CONCERNING HIS BONES"
A. This is recorded in Genesis 50:25-26. B. Joseph's desires were carried out (Exodus 13:17-19; Joshua 21:43-45; 24:32).