1.In our last 2 Sunday morning lessons we studied a number of prophecies relating to the establishment of God's kingdom. a.(Daniel 2:44) God would set up His kingdom during the time when the kings of the 4th kingdom [the Roman Empire] ruled. b.(Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-8) God's kingdom would be established "in the last days" in Jerusalem where the Lord's law would go forth. c.(Joel 2:28-32) In conjunction with deliverance being found in Jerusalem, God's Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. d.(Matthew 3:1-2) John said that the kingdom was "at hand" -- Tiberius Caesar was ruling the Roman Empire (Luke 3:1-2). e.(Matthew 4:17) Jesus said that the kingdom was "at hand." f.Matthew 16:13-19 1)Jesus said He would build His church on a "rock" [the fact that He is the Christ, the Son of God]. 2)Jesus said that the gates of Hades would not prevent His church from being built. 3)Jesus spoke about His church and the kingdom interchangeably. 4)The keys to the kingdom would be given to Peter. g.(Matthew 16:28) The kingdom would come during the lifetimes of some of those present on that occasion. h.(Mark 9:1) The kingdom would also come "with power." 2.By determining whether these prophecies have been fulfilled, we can know if, where, and when God's kingdom has been established. 3.The verses we read in Acts 1 illustrate why we need to study these matters. a.Vs. 3 shows how Jesus taught the apostles about God's kingdom. b.According to vs.6, the apostles were looking for a physical kingdom.
A.See Acts 1:8a B.The "power" that Jesus mentioned in Mark 9:1 was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.
A.(Acts 1:4) Jesus commanded the apostles not to depart from Jerusalem. B.(Acts 1:12) The apostles went to Jerusalem where they stayed until Pentecost.
A.These events occurred: 1.about 3 years after John and Jesus said that the kingdom was "at hand" 2.about 1 year after Jesus said that the kingdom would come during the lifetimes of those standing before Him. B.Tiberius was still ruling as Caesar and continued ruling until 37 AD [the kings of the 4th kingdom were ruling].
A.(vs.1-4) On Pentecost the apostles were baptized in the Holy Spirit -- they received the "power" that would accompany the establishment of the kingdom. B.(vs.5-13) The people present were from many different areas, and they responded in various ways. C.(vs.14) Peter was the spokesman on this occasion. D.(vs.15-21) Joel's prophecy was fulfilled. E.(vs.22-35) The main point of Peter's sermon was that Jesus had overcome the gates of Hades when He was resurrected from the grave. F.(vs.36) Peter's conclusion was that Jesus is both Lord and Christ [the rock]. G.(vs.37-40) Peter revealed "the keys of the kingdom." H.(vs.41) The response: about 3,000 people were baptized -- people from all over the world had come to Jerusalem where they found deliverance.
1.We have examined a number of prophecies relating to God's kingdom, and we have shown that those prophecies have been fulfilled. 2.This Scriptures teach that God's kingdom was established in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost that followed the Lord's death, burial, and resurrection. 3.Another key verse in Acts 2 is vs.47. a.It indicates that the church, God's kingdom on earth, was in existence. b.It also shows that the church is composed of those who have been saved. 4.By complying with the instructions given in Acts 2:38 we are saved, and we become members of the Lord's church, the everlasting kingdom of God.