Keeping Ourselves Unspotted from the World (Lesson 03)
1. An important part of "pure and undefiled religion before God" is "keeping ourselves unspotted from the world" (James 1:27). 2. One key to keeping ourselves unspotted from the world is "controlling our speech." 3. Let us begin our study of this subject by showing that . . . Discussion: I. THE SCRIPTURES STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTROLLING OUR SPEECH
A. One passage is Proverbs 10:19. 1. The first part of this verse mentions "the multitude of words." a. This refers to an uncontrolled tongue. b. Where an uncontrolled tongue exists, sin is unavoidable. 2. The latter part of this verse mentions one who "refrains" [restrains, controls] his lips. a. One who "refrains his lips" is said to be "wise." b. Not only is such a person wise, but he will also avoid the sins associated with a multitude of words. B. By making this contrast in Proverbs 10:19, Solomon stressed the importance of controlling our speech. II. THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY CONDEMN UNCONTROLLED SPEECH
A. (Proverbs 8:13b) The Lord hates a "froward" [perverted] mouth. B. (Proverbs 13:3b) "Destruction" is in store for a person who opens wide his lips. C. (Matthew 12:36-37) We will be judged by our words. 1. We will give an account of the words that we speak. 2. We will either be justified or condemned by our words. D. (James 1:26) Religion that is accompanied by an unbridled tongue is "vain." E. Examples of sinful speech: backbiting, blasphemy, cursing, gossip, lying, railing, slander, whispering, being a busybody, etc. III. THE SCRIPTURES ASSOCIATE GREAT BLESSINGS WITH CONTROLLED SPEECH
A. (Proverbs 13:3a) One who "keeps" [guards] his mouth keeps his life. B. (Proverbs 17:27-28) Wisdom is associated with controlled speech. C. (1 Peter 3:10) Those who control their speech will enjoy long life and see good days. IV. THE SCRIPTURES CONTAIN INSTRUCTIONS THAT WILL HELP US CONTROL OUR SPEECH
A. We might conclude from James 3:5-8 that we cannot control our speech. 1. This cannot be right because James 3:2 teaches that it can be done. 2. The point being made is that no one else can control your speech. 3. Controlling speech is a personal matter -- only the individual can do it, with the Lord's help. B. Suggestions: 1. Let us remember that God is aware of the things we say (Psalm 139:4). 2. Let us listen to the Lord's instructions (Psalm 34:13). 3. Let us determine to control our speech with the Lord's help (Psalm 39:1). 4. Let us differentiate between times to speak and times to be silent (Ecclesiastes 3:7). 5. Let us keep the right things in our hearts (Matthew 12:34-35).