1. (2 Peter 1:1-11) God has provided some special blessings for the benefit of His people. a. (vs.3-4) He has provided what we need so we can be "partakers of the divine nature," including "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" and "exceeding great and precious promises." b. (vs.5-11) He has provided "the Christian graces" to prevent His people from falling. 2. The 7 characteristics listed in vs.5-7 are to be added with "all diligence." 3. Review: a. "Faith" is the foundation upon which these graces are to be added. b. "Virtue" [courage and the determination to do what is right] is the first grace. 4. In this lesson we are concentrating on the second of the Christian graces: "knowledge." Discussion: I. LET US DEFINE "KNOWLEDGE"
A. In general, "knowledge" is "knowing something" [being aware of facts]. B. God's people are to be knowledgeable in this general sense, but "knowledge," in 2 Peter 1:5, is "moral wisdom, such as seen in right living" (Colossians 1:9-10). II. THE BIBLE CONTAINS NUMEROUS WARNINGS THAT RELATE TO "KNOWLEDGE"
A. A lack of "knowledge" will cause God's people to be destroyed (Hosea 4:6). B. Zeal without "knowledge" does not please God (Romans 10:1-3). C. "Knowledge" without love does not edify (1 Corinthians 8:1-2). D. We must avoid Solomon's mistake. 1. God blessed Solomon with great wisdom (1 Kings 3:9-12). 2. Unfortunately, Solomon forsook his wisdom (1 Kings 11:1-8). E. These warnings should impress us with the importance of gaining and retaining "knowledge." III. SOME ESSENTIALS FOR GAINING "KNOWLEDGE"
A. We must desire to gain "knowledge" (1 Peter 2:1-2). B. We must actively pursue "knowledge" (Matthew 7:7-8). C. Reading and studying are essential; however, we must study with the intent of understanding the Lord's will (Ephesians 5:15-17). D. As we come in contact with the Scriptures we must practice the things that we learn (James 1:21-25). Conclusion:
1. "Virtue" is "the determination to do what is right." 2. "Knowledge" enables us to know what is right so we can put it into practice.