Jesus Addressed the Heart in His Teaching (Matthew 13:13-16)
1. When Jesus spoke these words He was explaining to His disciples why He taught through parables. a. In vs.15 He mentioned His healing that we studied this morning. b. He also mentioned the heart that is the key to our understanding. 2. In our lesson we are concentrating on the Lord's teaching concerning "the heart" [the inner part of us that is the center of our thoughts, our feelings, and our affections]. Discussion: I. JESUS ADDRESSED THE HEART IN HIS TEACHING IN MATTHEW
A. Jesus taught in the Beatitudes that a special blessing is in store for those who are pure in heart (5:8). B. Adultery may be committed in the heart (5:27-28). C. The location of a person's treasure is where his heart will be (6:19-21). D. A person's words are an indication of his heart's condition (12:34-37). E. The heart is to be involved in forgiveness (18:35). F. God is to be loved with all the heart (22:35-38). II. JESUS ADDRESSED THE HEART IN HIS TEACHING IN MARK
A. Sin originates in the heart (7:20-23). B. Jesus does not approve of "hardness of heart" (16:14). III. JESUS ADDRESSED THE HEART IN HIS TEACHING IN LUKE
A. To hear God's Word properly a person must have "an honest and good heart" (8:15, 18a). B. God knows the condition of our hearts (16:15). IV. JESUS ADDRESSED THE HEART IN HIS TEACHING IN JOHN
A. A hard heart prevents belief (12:37-41; Isaiah 6:9-10). B. Jesus provides help for the troubled heart (14:1, 27). Conclusion:
1. How grateful we need to be that Jesus heals the broken in heart. 2. How grateful we also need to be that Jesus provided this instruction to help us have hearts that please Him.