The Story of Jesus Jesus' Biography in the Gospel of Matthew (Lesson 22)
1. In 2 Peter 3:18, Christians are instructed to grow in the knowledge of Christ. 2. According to John 5:39, this growth is accomplished through careful Bible study. 3. Jesus' biography is found in the Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 4. A general knowledge of these books is helpful as we study them. 5. This lesson is a study of the Gospel of Matthew. Discussion: I. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT JESUS' BIOGRAPHY BY MATTHEW
A. Concerning the writer's identity, Matthew was: 1. called by Jesus (Matthew 9:9) 2. a "publican" [tax collector] 3. the son of Alphaeus, and he was called Levi (Mark 2:14) 4. chosen to be an apostle (Matthew 10:2-4). B. The Gospel of Matthew seems to have been written primarily for the Jews. 1. (1:1-17) The Lord's lineage is traced back to Abraham. 2. Throughout his book Matthew emphasized the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. II. OUTLINE OF MATTHEW (Jackson -- adapted)
A. (ch.1-2) Jesus' birth and childhood 1. (1:1-17) Jesus' genealogy 2. (1:18-25) Jesus' birth 3. (2:1-12) The visit of the wise men from the east 4. (2:13-15) Escape into Egypt 5. (2:16-18) Slaughter of the Bethlehem infants 6. (2:19-23) Return from Egypt and settlement in Nazareth B. (ch.3-4:11) Preliminaries to Jesus' ministry 1. (3:1-12) The preparation by John the Baptist 2. (3:13-17) The account of Jesus' baptism 3. (4:1-11) Temptation in the wilderness C. (4:12-ch.20) Jesus' ministry 1. (4:12-ch.18) Preaching in Galilee 2. (ch.19-20:16) Preaching east of the Jordan River 3. (20:17-34) En route to Jerusalem D. (ch.21-28) Concluding events in Jesus' earthly life 1. (ch.21-25) The final week at Jerusalem 2. (ch.26-27) Jesus' death 3. (ch.28) Jesus' resurrection III. IMPORTANT POINTS OF INFORMATION REVEALED IN MATTHEW
A. Jesus' work primarily consisted of preaching, teaching, and healing (4:23-25; 9:35). B. (ch.13) Jesus presented a number of parables to explain the nature of the kingdom. 1. By doing so Jesus fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy (13:34-35; Psalm 78:2). 2. (13:10-17) Jesus explained why He spoke in parables. C. Some of the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Christ in Matthew include: 1. the virgin birth (1:22-23; Isaiah 7:14) 2. the place of His birth -- Bethlehem (2:5-6; Micah 5:2) 3. being called out of Egypt (2:14-15; Hosea 11:1) 4. giving light to the people (4:13-16; Isaiah 9:1-2) 5. bearing the infirmities of the people (8:16-17; Isaiah 53:4) 6. riding into Jerusalem on a donkey (21:1-7; Zechariah 9:9) 7. the parting of His garments (27:35; Psalm 22:18) 8. being given vinegar to drink (27:48; Psalm 69:21).