1. Our lesson is based on the question asked by Peter in vs.68 -- "To whom shall we go?" 2. We will consider Peter's question in such a way so as to point out a number of special blessings that only the Lord provides. 3. Before we do so, let us first examine . . . Discussion: I. THE SITUATION THAT LED PETER TO ASK HIS QUESTION
A. Earlier in this chapter Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish. B. The next day Jesus identified Himself as "the bread of life," and He talked about "everlasting life" (vs.35, 40, 47-48, 51, 58). C. According to vs.60-61, many of the Lord's disciples found His comments to be challenging. D. Regardless, Jesus described His words as being "spirit" and "life" (vs.63b). E. Unfortunately, many of the Lord's disciples stopped following Him (vs.66). F. (vs.67) Jesus reacted by asking the twelve: "Will ye also go away?" G. Peter's response is found in vs.68-69. 1. Peter basically asked, "Who else can we go to?" 2. Peter indicated that only Jesus has "the words of eternal life" [this implies that those who left Jesus gave up their hope of eternal life]. 3. Peter was confident that Jesus is "that Christ, the Son of the living God." H. To summarize,: 1. To whom shall we go for eternal life? 2. We must go to Jesus, the Son of God, who is the bread of life, and who has the words of eternal life. 3. No one else can provide everlasting life. I. Let us turn our attention to . . . II. 6 SPECIAL BLESSINGS THAT ONLY THE LORD PROVIDES
A. To whom shall we go for "salvation?" 1. Jesus answered this question in Luke 19:10. 2. His ability to save is described in Hebrews 7:25. B. To whom shall we go for "freedom?" 1. Jesus answered this question in John 8:31-32. 2. His ability to provide freedom is emphasized in John 8:36. C. To whom shall we go for "peace?" 1. Jesus answered this question in John 14:27. 2. His ability to provide peace is explained in Ephesians 2:14-18. D. To whom shall we go for "joy?" 1. Jesus answered this question in John 15:11. 2. Through Him we can practice the instruction given in Philippians 4:4. E. To whom shall we go for "rest?" 1. Jesus answered this question in Matthew 11:28. 2. He also revealed His requirements in Matthew 11:29-30. F. To whom shall we go for "companionship?" 1. Jesus answered this question in Matthew 28:20b. 2. His companionship is dependable (Hebrews 13:5b). Conclusion:
1. We must avoid the mistake made by the people we read about in John 6:66. 2. By turning from the Lord, they lost their hope of eternal life. 3. Let us follow the example of Peter and the other apostles. 4. They knew that eternal life is only available through Christ -- no one else can provide it. 5. In addition to eternal life, the Lord is the only One who provides salvation, freedom, peace, joy, rest, and companionship.