The Story of Jesus Jesus' Biography in the Gospel of Mark (Lesson 23)
1. In 2 Peter 3:18 the admonition is given to grow in the knowledge of Christ. 2. According to John 5:39, we must search the Scriptures to accomplish this growth. 3. Jesus' biography is found in the Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 4. A general knowledge of these books is helpful as we study them. 5. This lesson is a study of the Gospel of Mark.
A. Concerning the writer's identity, Mark: 1. was the son of Mary, and he was called "John" (Acts 12:12) 2. traveled with Barnabas and Saul from Jerusalem to Antioch (Acts 12:25) 3. accompanied Barnabas and Saul when they began their missionary journey (Acts 13:5) 4. soon departed from Paul and Barnabas and returned to Jerusalem (Acts 13:13) 5. worked with Barnabas after Paul and Barnabas parted company (Acts 15:36-40) 6. was related to Barnabas (Colossians 4:10) 7. was later commended by Paul (2 Timothy 4:11) 8. was very close to Peter (1 Peter 5:13). B. The Gospel of Mark seems to have been written primarily for the Romans. 1. Mark did not include certain information that would have been more appealing to the Jews. a. The Lord's genealogy is not included. b. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy by Christ is not emphasized as in Matthew. c. The Lord's teaching is not emphasized as in Matthew. 2. Mark is a more condensed account of the Gospel that emphasizes the Lord's deeds. a. Mark recorded a number of the miracles that Christ performed. 1) (1:23-27) Jesus cast an unclean spirit out of a man. 2) (1:29-31) Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law. 3) (1:32-34) Jesus healed many who were diseased and possessed with demons. 4) (1:40-42) Jesus healed a leper. b. (16:15-20) Mark concludes with the Lord working with the apostles as they carried out the Great Commission.
A. (1:1-13) Preparation for the ministry of Jesus B. (1:14-7:23) The ministry in Galilee C. (7:24-ch.9) The withdrawals to the regions around Galilee 1. (7:24-8:13) A tour to Tyre and Sidon 2. (8:14-ch.9) A tour to Caesarea Philippi D. (ch.10) Events in Perea en route to Jerusalem E. (ch.11-13) The ministry in Jerusalem F. (ch.14-15) The passion of Jesus G. (ch.16) His resurrection, commission, and ascension
A. Jesus had much to say about the kingdom of God. 1. He said that the kingdom was very near (1:14-15) and it would come "with power" (9:1). 2. This power was the giving of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) that occurred on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). 3. Thus, God's kingdom was established at that time. B. We must pay whatever price is necessary to follow the Lord (8:34-37). C. We must not be ashamed of the Lord and His words (8:38). D. The purpose of miracles was to confirm the Word (16:15-20; Hebrews 2:3-4).