The Lord of the Harvest Needs Laborers (Matthew 9:37-38)
1.Because tomorrow is celebrated as Labor Day, perhaps this is a good time for us to concentrate on the request that Jesus made in Matthew 9:38. 2.Jesus made a request for His disciples to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers into His harvest. 3.The fact that Jesus made this request implies that "the Lord of the harvest needs laborers" -- this is a lesson that all Christians need to take to heart. 4.Let us begin our study by pointing out . . .
A.First, Jesus could not reach everyone by Himself. 1.The Lord stated in Luke 19:10 that He came "to seek and to save that which was lost." 2.We learn from Matthew 9:35 that Jesus labored to reach as many people as possible -- He revealed His sense of urgency in John 9:4. 3.However, Matthew 9:36 shows what Jesus saw when He looked upon the multitudes -- He saw many people He had not been able to reach. B.Second, the size of the harvest is "plenteous." C.Third, the number of laborers is "few."
A.(Matthew 10:1) Jesus selected the 12. 1.He sent them on the limited commission (Matthew 10:5-8). 2.Their return is mentioned in Luke 9:10a. B.(Luke 10:1) Jesus appointed the 70. 1.He sent them on a similar mission (Luke 10:2, 9). 2.Their return is mentioned in Luke 10:17. C.The Lord needed laborers during His ministry, and He needs laborers today. D.Let us turn our attention to . . .
A.(1 Corinthians 15:58) Christians are exhorted to abound in the Lord's work because we know that our "labor is not in vain in the Lord." B.The proper motivation for Christian labor is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 [love for God and our fellow man -- Matthew 22:37-39]. C.God remembers the labor of His children (Hebrews 6:10). D.Christian laborers look forward to a special rest (Revelation 14:13).
1.Let us receive encouragement from a special woman [Mary -- John 12:1-8] who did a good work for the Lord (Mark 14:3-9). 2.After 2,000 years, Mary's labor for the Lord is still influencing people today.