1. Today is the 15th anniversary of a tragic event in our country's history. 2. We were not prepared for such a terrorist attack, and it cost us dearly. 3. Unfortunately, we still have enemies who want to destroy us. a. They will do whatever they can to harm us. b. They must be resisted -- we must be prepared and stay prepared. 4. Perhaps this is a good time for us to study the information that is presented in 1 Peter 5:6-11. a. Christians have an enemy -- Satan. b. Thankfully, the Bible shows us how we can resist him. c. Today, we are concentrating on "a timely lesson" that is taught in these passages.
A. Notice how much emphasis is placed on "humility." 1. (vs.5b) "Be clothed with humility." 2. (vs.6a) "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God." B. We normally do not associate humility with warfare; however, we are engaged in a spiritual war, and humility is essential for Christians. 1. God will not help those who are proud (vs.5c -- "God resisteth the proud"). 2. We learn from 1 Corinthians 10:12 that a person who thinks he can stand on his own is headed for a fall. 3. Humility will lead us to depend upon God. 4. When we depend upon God, He will help us. a. (vs.5c) God gives "grace to the humble." b. (vs.6b) "In due time," God will exalt the humble. c. See James 4:10. C. (vs.7) Those who humble themselves before God will be able to do something that others cannot do. 1. We are told to cast all our care upon God. 2. The reason we are to do this is because God cares for His children. 3. He loves us, and He wants to help us in our struggles with Satan. 4. God cannot help us if we fail to remain humble before Him. 5. Vs.10 shows what God will do for those who depend upon Him.
A. Being "sober" and "vigilant" indicates that we are to be watchful. 1. We are to be watchful because we have an enemy. 2. Our adversary is Satan, the devil. a. He is pictured as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. b. He is fearless, he is restless, and he constantly searches for victims. c. Christians are not immune to his attacks. 3. God loves His children, but Satan wants to destroy us. B. Satan uses many devices to try to destroy people. 1. (Genesis 3:5) He lied to Eve when he tempted her to disobey God. 2. (Job 1-2) He accused Job before God and caused him to suffer badly. 3. (Matthew 4:1-11) He questioned whether Jesus was God's Son. 4. (Acts 5:3-4) He convinced Ananias and Sapphira to lie before God. 5. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:11, "we are not ignorant of his devices," therefore we must be watchful. C. (vs.9) We must resist Satan. 1. (James 4:7) "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." 2. Jesus showed us in Matthew 4:1-11 that Satan can be resisted. 3. The key is resisting Satan steadfastly "in the faith" (Ephesians 6:16 -- "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked"). 4. It will also help us to remember that other people have faced the same temptations that we face and remained true to God.
A. (Luke 22:31-32) Jesus told Peter that Satan was after him. B. For a while Peter did not humble himself before God, and he denied Jesus three times (Luke 22:54-62). C. Peter finally did humble himself before the Lord, and he corrected his mistake. D. Peter learned a great lesson that day, and he went on to become one of the Lord's strongest and most dedicated followers. E. Satan continued to afflict Peter in various ways, but Peter remained humble and was able to overcome Satan's devices.
1. God and Satan are both interested in us -- they both want us to spend eternity with them. 2. May God help us to follow these instructions so we can overcome Satan and spend eternity with the Lord in heaven!