Principles that Relate to God's Gifts (James 1:17)
1. According to James 1:17, God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. 2. In our lesson we are considering several "principles that relate to God's gifts." Discussion: I. WE LEARN FROM ROMANS 8:32 THAT GOD'S GIFT OF HIS SON ASSURES US THAT HE WILL GIVE HIS CHILDREN ALL THINGS
A. This verse shows how God did not spare His own Son from dying on our behalf. B. We understand from many passages that God sent Jesus to shed His blood because of His great love for us (Romans 5:6-8; John 3:16). C. The same love that led God to send Jesus to die for us also leads Him to freely give every good and perfect gift to His children. II. IN MATTHEW 21:22 JESUS TOLD THE APOSTLES THAT THEY WOULD RECEIVE ALL THINGS THEY ASKED FOR THROUGH PRAYER
A. This is interesting because Paul asked the Lord to remove his thorn in the flesh, but the Lord did not grant his request (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). B. To avoid misunderstanding the Lord's statement, we must keep in mind that there are certain conditions that relate to prayer. 1. We must pray believing (Matthew 21:22). 2. We must ask in Jesus' name (John 16:23). 3. We must not pray with selfish motives (James 4:3). 4. We must be obedient to God (1 John 3:22). 5. We must ask according to God's will (1 John 5:14-15). C. As we ask God for His blessings or when we ask Him to do something, let us comply with these conditions for acceptable prayer. III. IN MATTHEW 7:7-11 JESUS STATED THAT GOD PROVIDES GOOD THINGS TO HIS CHILDREN WHO ASK, SEEK, AND KNOCK
A. In making requests of God we are responsible for: 1. "asking" [making a request of someone greater] 2. "seeking" [looking or searching for something with the intention of finding it] 3. "knocking" [persistently trying to gain an entrance]. B. If we ask, seek, and knock, Jesus said that God will give us what we ask, He will cause us to find what we seek, and He will open to us. C. Jesus emphasized God's response to the requests of His children in vs.8. D. (vs.9-11) Jesus illustrated His point. 1. (vs.9-10) He first asked 2 questions based on the father-son relationship. a. (vs.9) A man who loves his son will not give him a stone if he asks for bread. b. (vs.10) A man who loves his son will not give him a snake if he asks for a fish. 2. (vs.11) Jesus used this reasoning to show that God will give good things to His children who make requests of Him.
1. In our lesson we have shown how God gives good and perfect gifts to His children. 2. Let us adopt the statements made by David in: a. Psalm 55:16-17 b. Psalm 145:17-19.