1.In Philippians 4:13, Paul said that he could do all things through Christ. 2.This morning we pointed out 4 things that Paul did through the Lord. 3.We also pointed out 4 things that Christ wants us to do through Him. 4.(Philippians 4:6) The Lord wants us to overcome "anxiety" [worry]. 5.In our lesson we are studying the Lord's teachings in Matthew 6:25-34 that will help us to overcome worry.
A.This passage begins with "therefore" which means that this statement is based on information presented earlier. 1.(vs.24) Jesus said that we "cannot serve God and mammon" [we cannot be devoted to serving God and at the same time be devoted to hoarding up treasures on earth]. 2.Based on this principle, we are not to take thought for our lives. B.When Jesus said, "Take no thought," He was teaching His followers not to be anxious or worry about things such as food, drink, and clothing [the necessities of life]. C.After telling us not to worry about these things, the Lord gave . . .
A.(vs.25b) First, our lives are more valuable than food and clothing. 1.Food and clothing are important because we must have them to live. 2.We live to fulfill a very high purpose (Ecclesiastes 12:13). 3.Food and clothing only help us while we live on the earth. 4.Fearing God and obeying His will are to be our top concerns because they will enable us to live forever. B.(vs.26) Second, we are more valuable than the creatures that God has created. 1.Jesus talked about the birds of the air. a.They do not sow, they do not reap, and they do not gather into barns. b.However, the Father feeds them. 2.Are not human beings much better than the birds? (see Matthew 10:29, 31) 3.If we are faithful to God, He will see that we have the necessities of life (Psalm 37:25). C.(vs.27) Third, worrying will not change anything. 1.By worrying about how tall you are, can you change your height? 2.Since worrying will not change anything, let us follow the instruction given in Philippians 4:6b. D.(vs.28-30) Fourth, we are more valuable than the plants that God has created. 1.Jesus talked about how the lilies of the field grow. a.They do not toil or spin, but they are beautiful. b.Not even Solomon's glory can be compared to the beauty of a flower. 2.If God cares so much for plants that are here today and gone tomorrow, will He not see that we have sufficient clothing? E.(vs.31-32) Fifth, so we will not be like heathens in the world. 1.The "Gentiles" [heathen people] seek after food, drink, and clothing. 2.God's people should have higher priorities than heathens. F.(vs.34) Sixth, we have enough to be concerned about today without being burdened down with the cares of tomorrow. 1.Let us not overlook the fact that we are to work (2 Thessalonians 3:12). 2.However, let us trust in the Lord to provide our daily needs (Matthew 6:11). G.After showing us why we should not worry about the necessities of life, the Lord tells us . . .
A.We must seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first. B.God promises to bless those who seek His kingdom and His righteousness first with the necessities of life.
1.There are 2 ways of having the necessities of life. a.We can allow worry to cause us to put all of our energy into getting them. b.We can seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first and trust that He will provide them for us. 2.Worrying over physical matters will choke out spirituality (Matthew 13:22). 3.To please God, we must have His kingdom and His righteousness as our top priorities.