1. In Hebrews 11 we read about a number of men and women from the Old Testament who showed how faith will enable a person to be in good standing with God. 2. In vs.32 Gideon is mentioned. a. Gideon was one of Israel's judges. b. After Joshua died Israel went through a very unsettled period until Saul became king. c. During this time Israel had a series of "judges" [deliverers]. d. Through these judges God delivered Israel from foreign oppression (Judges 2:16-19). e. We read about Gideon and the things he accomplished in Judges 6-8. Discussion: I. JUDGES 6
A. (vs.1-6) God allowed the Midianites to afflict Israel. B. (vs.7-10) God revealed through a prophet why the Midianites were afflicting Israel. C. (vs.11-24) Gideon was informed that he would deliver Israel from the Midianites. D. (vs.25-32) Gideon destroyed the altar of Baal. E. (vs.33-35) Gideon gathered an army. F. (vs.36-40) God assured Gideon that he would deliver Israel. II. JUDGES 7
A. (vs.1-8) Gideon's army was reduced to 300 men. B. (vs.9-25) The Midianites were defeated. III. JUDGES 8
A. (vs.22-23) Gideon refused to become king of Israel. B. (vs.28) Israel enjoyed "quietness" during the days of Gideon.