Andrew Learned that Jesus Is the Messiah (John 1:35-41)
1. In these verses we are introduced to Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 2. As we are introduced to Andrew we learn that he was a disciple of John. a. John revealed important information about Jesus (John 1:15, 29-34). b. In vs.35-36, John identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God." 3. Andrew and the other disciple followed Jesus and spent some time with Him. 4. After spending time with the Lord, "Andrew learned that Jesus is the Messiah," and he shared that good news with his brother. 5. In our lesson we are spending some time with the Lord so He can teach us what we need to know about Him. 6. In John 5:39 Jesus gave the key to accomplishing this. 7. We are concentrating on statements that Jesus made in the Gospel of John. Discussion: I. IN JOHN 6:35 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE"
A. Jesus had fed the 5,000 (vs.5-14). B. Some followed Him because they had eaten the food He provided (vs.26). C. Jesus calls upon us to seek the spiritual food He provides that leads to eternal life (vs.27). II. IN JOHN 8:12 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD"
A. Jesus brought light to a world of darkness (John 1:4-5, 9). B. He identified Himself as "the light of the world" again when He gave sight to the man born blind (John 9:1-7). III. IN JOHN 8:58 JESUS SAID, "BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM"
A. Jesus had stated in vs.56 that Abraham had seen His day. B. The Jews questioned Jesus about this in vs.57. C. The Lord's statement in vs.58 indicates that He is a member of the eternal Godhead, as John declared at the beginning of his Gospel (John 1:1-3, 14). IV. IN JOHN 10:7-10 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP"
A. To enter the sheepfold we must go through Jesus. B. Those who enter the sheepfold through Him will be blessed. V. IN JOHN 10:11-16 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD"
A. Jesus is the Good Shepherd because He gave His life for the sheep. B. His sheep hear Him and follow Him.
A. Jesus gives His followers eternal life. B. He demonstrated the fact that He is "the resurrection and the life" by raising Lazarus from the grave (vs.43-44). VII. IN JOHN 14:6 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE"
A. Jesus had said in vs.2 that He was going to His Father's house to prepare a place for His followers. B. In vs.3 He stated that He will return and take His followers to the place He prepared. C. Jesus is the only way to the Father in heaven. VIII. IN JOHN 15:1-8 JESUS SAID, "I AM THE TRUE VINE"
A. According to vs.8, bearing fruit is a requirement of the Lord's disciples, and it glorifies God. B. To bear fruit we must remain attached to the vine. Conclusion:
1. Andrew learned from John that Jesus is "the Lamb of God." 2. After spending some time with the Lord, Andrew was convinced that Jesus is "the Messiah." 3. After spending time with the Lord in His Word, we have been reminded of some important information concerning His identity. 4. Let us continue in doing this (2 Peter 3:18).