Let Us Heed Solomon's Words of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6)
1. As we worship the Lord today we are observing the 10th anniversary of the first occasion when we met as a congregation. 2. We are grateful to: a. God for His providential care and His abundant blessings (Psalm 41:13) b. our friends and loved ones who have supported us and continue to do so c. those who worship and serve on a regular basis. 3. In our lesson we are concentrating on the words of wisdom that Solomon recorded in Proverbs 3:5-6. 4. These instructions are appropriate for any occasion, and we need to study them regularly. Discussion: I. (vs.5a) "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART"
A. "Trusting in the Lord": 1. involves depending on the Lord and having confidence in Him 2. is to be done "with all the heart." B. The Bible assures us that God will bless those who place their trust in Him. 1. Psalm 34:8; 84:12 2. Jeremiah 17:7-8 C. Solomon continued by mentioning a practice that must be avoided. II. (vs.5b) "LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING"
A. Similar instructions are given throughout the Bible. 1. Proverbs 3:7a 2. Romans 12:16b B. Naaman serves as an illustration. 1. (2 Kings 5:9-12) For a time he leaned unto his own understanding. 2. (2 Kings 5:13-14) After he stopped, his leprosy was healed. C. The Bible also explains why we must avoid leaning unto our own understanding. 1. Man's ways result in death (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25). 2. What seems right to us may not please the Lord (Proverbs 16:2; 21:2). 3. Trusting in our own hearts is foolish (Proverbs 28:26a). 4. Man cannot direct his own steps by himself (Jeremiah 10:23). D. After dealing with this practice that must be avoided, Solomon said, . . . III. (vs.6a) "IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM"
A. We are to seek guidance from God when we make decisions, make plans, or attempt to do anything. B. Seeking guidance from God includes: 1. searching His Word (Psalm 119:105) 2. talking to Him through prayer (1 John 5:14-15). Conclusion:
1. Practicing these words of wisdom from Solomon will enable us to receive a special blessing -- "He [the Lord] shall direct thy paths" (vs.6b). 2. In Psalm 23 David expressed his confidence in God's direction (vs.2b, 3b). 3. We have seen from Solomon's instructions that God's direction is not by accident. 4. Let us: a. trust in the Lord with all our hearts b. avoid leaning unto our own understanding c. acknowledge the Lord in all our ways.