1. In these verses Solomon revealed: a. some important instructions b. the special blessing that the Lord will provide for those who practice these instructions. 2. In our lesson we are examining 5 Bible characters whose paths were directed by the Lord. Discussion: I. ABRAHAM
A. God told Abraham to go to a place He would show him (Genesis 12:1-3). B. We read about Abraham's response in Genesis 12:4-5; Hebrews 11:8-10. C. Abraham followed Solomon's instructions. D. Consequently, God directed Abraham's paths. II. JOSEPH
A. Joseph's brothers sold him to some merchantmen who took him to Egypt (Genesis 37:28). B. Later, Joseph told his brothers that God had directed him to Egypt, not them (Genesis 45: 4-8). C. Joseph followed Solomon's instructions. D. Consequently, God directed his paths. III. MOSES (Hebrews 11:23-28)
A. Moses followed Solomon's instructions. B. Consequently, God directed his paths. IV. PETER (Luke 5:1-11)
A. Peter learned an important lesson about following Solomon's instructions. B. Peter also learned an important lesson about having the Lord direct his paths. V. PAUL (Acts 16:6-12)
A. Paul certainly followed Solomon's instructions. B. Consequently, God directed his paths. C. Lydia and her household and the jailer and his house were converted. Conclusion:
1. Today we have observed the 10th anniversary of the occasion when we first met as a congregation. 2. Let us thank God for His abundant blessings. 3. As we look to the future, let us heed Solomon's words of wisdom.