The Story of Jesus Jesus' Biography in the Gospel of John (Lesson 25)
1. In 2 Peter 3:18 we are instructed to grow in the knowledge of Christ. 2. According to John 5:39, this growth is accomplished through careful Bible study. 3. Four books [the Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John] record the Lord’s biography. 4. A general knowledge of these books is helpful as we study them. 5. This lesson is a study of the Gospel of John.
A. The writer of this book is identified as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (21:20-24). 1. This disciple is mentioned several times (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7). 2. A number of ancient sources identify this disciple as John. B. Concerning the writer's identity, John: 1. was a fisherman, a son of Zebedee and brother of James (Matthew 4:21-22) 2. was chosen to be an apostle (Matthew 10:1-4) 3. was given the responsibility of caring for Mary (John 19:25-27) 4. wrote 1, 2, 3 John and Revelation. C. The Gospel of John does not seem to have been written for any particular group of people. 1. Its theme is revealed in 20:30-31. 2. Recording all of the Lord's works was not possible (21:25). 3. However, John did record 7 of the Lord's miracles to prove that He is God's Son, including turning water into wine (2:1-11), healing the nobleman's son (4:46-54), healing the man at Bethesda (5:1-9), feeding the 5,000 (6:5-14), walking on the water (6:15-21), healing the blind man (9:1-7), and raising Lazarus from the grave (11:1-45).
II. OUTLINE (Whitmire)
A. (1:1-18) Prologue [Introduction] B. (1:19-ch.12) The Lord's Public Ministry C. (ch.13-17) The Lord's Private Ministry D. (ch.18-20) The Lord's Passion Ministry E. (ch.21) Postscript [Conclusion]
A. Christ is a member of the eternal Godhead (1:1-3). B. Christ did, however, become flesh (1:14; 3:16-17; 1 John 4:1-3). C. In addition to recording 7 of the Lord's miracles which prove that He is God's Son, John also recorded the testimony of witnesses who revealed the Lord's identity, including: 1. John the Baptist (1:34) 2. Nathanael (1:49) 3. Peter (6:69) 4. Martha (11:27) 5. Thomas (20:28). D. John contains the 7 "I am" statements of Christ (6:35; 8:12; 8:58; 10:11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1). E. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the new birth consists of being "born of water and of the Spirit" (3:1-7). F. In His conversation with the Samaritan woman, Jesus revealed some important information about worship (4:23-24). 1. Worship is to be directed to God. 2. God desires to be worshipped. 3. Acceptable worship must be offered: a. "in spirit" [with the right disposition and attitude] b. "in truth" [according to God's Word].