Matthew 24:4-28
1. On Sunday evenings we are studying the Lord's teaching recorded in Matthew 24-25. 2. Review: a. (Matthew 23:36) Jesus had been teaching in the temple when He pronounced destruction upon that generation. b. (24:1a) Jesus left the temple. c. (24:1b) The disciples came to Jesus to show Him the temple and the surrounding buildings. d. (24:2) Jesus told the disciples that the temple would be completely destroyed. e. (24:3) The disciples asked Jesus several questions. 3. From their questions it seems that the disciples associated the destruction of the temple with the Lord's return at the end of the world. 4. As Jesus answered these questions in ch.24-25 He showed that the temple's destruction and His return at the end of the world would be 2 different events. 5. (24:4-28) Jesus answered the first question: "When shall these things be?" [When would the temple be destroyed?] 6. The Lord's comments included warnings, signs, and instructions. Discussion: I. (vs.4) JESUS WARNED HIS FOLLOWERS NOT TO BE DECEIVED BY ANYONE A. (vs.5) He warned them about many who would come in His name, claiming to be Christ. B. (vs.11) He warned them about false prophets who would arise. C. (vs.23-27) He warned them again about false Christs and false prophets. 1. Some would claim that Christ was present (vs.23, 26). 2. (vs.24) Some of these imposters would show great signs and wonders; however, their purpose was to deceive people. 3. (vs.27) Jesus reminded the disciples that His coming will be as "the lightning." D. In addition to warning His followers not to be deceived by anyone, . . . II. JESUS GAVE A NUMBER OF SIGNS WHICH WOULD OCCUR PRIOR TO THE TEMPLE'S DESTRUCTION A. (vs.6-7a) The disciples would hear of wars and rumors of wars. B. (vs.7b) Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes would occur in various places. C. (vs.8) These things would not be the destruction that Jesus was predicting -- they would be "the beginning of sorrows." D. (vs.9) Persecution would arise against the Lord's followers. E. (vs.10) Offenses, betrayal, and hatred would abound. F. (vs.12) The abundance of iniquity would cause the love of many to wax cold. G. (vs.14) The Gospel would be preached in all the world before the temple's destruction [this was accomplished by 62 AD -- Colossians 1:5-6, 23]. H. (vs.15) The abomination of desolation would occur. 1. This refers to a prophecy made by Daniel (Daniel 9, 11, 12). 2. It is explained in Luke 21:20. I. Based upon these warnings and signs, . . . III. JESUS GAVE HIS FOLLOWERS SOME INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW A. (vs.13) Jesus told them to endure to the end. B. (vs.16) He told them to flee into the mountains. 1. (vs.17-18) They were to do so immediately. 2. (vs.19-20) They were to guard against anything that would hinder their travel. C. It would be important for Christians to follow these instructions because the tribulation would be great (vs.21, 28). D. (vs.22) God would make a way for Christians to escape this tribulation. 1. For some reason, the Romans withdrew from Jerusalem for a time. 2. During this time many escaped. 3. There is a report stating that no faithful Christians lost their lives because they understood the signs, warnings, and instructions and left Jerusalem when the Romans retreated. Conclusion: 1. These signs related to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. 2. There will be no signs in connection with the Lord's return. |