1.In Acts 1:8, Jesus gave the apostles a specific plan for carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16). 2.As Luke showed how this plan was implemented in Acts, he also wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 3.Studying these conversions helps us understand how we become Christians today. 4.Luke also showed in Acts how God used "angels" to accomplish His will as the Great Commission was fulfilled. 5.Angels: a.are spiritual beings created by God (Psalm 148:1-5) b.were created by God to do His will (Psalm 103:20-21).
A.When Lazarus died, he "was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom" (Luke 16:22). B.When Jesus returns,: 1."all the holy angels" will accompany Him (Matthew 25:31) 2.angels will separate the righteous from the wicked (Matthew 13:37-42). C.Angels do not possess human sexuality (Matthew 22:30).
A.When Jesus ascended to heaven, two angels talked to the apostles about His return (Acts 1:9-11). 1.A cloud received Jesus out of the apostles' sight (vs.9). 2.Jesus will return in the same manner (vs.11; Revelation 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). B.An angel delivered the apostles from prison (Acts 5:17-20). C.An angel instructed Philip to go to Gaza where he met the eunuch of Ethiopia (Acts 8:26). D.An angel told Cornelius in a vision to send for Simon Peter who would teach him how to be saved (Acts 10:1-6). E.An angel delivered Peter from prison (Acts 12:5-11). F.An angel killed Herod (Acts 12:20-23). G.An angel delivered an important message to Paul (Acts 27:21-25). H.Even though angels have served God in various ways on many occasions, the Sadducees denied that they exist (Acts 23:8).
A.Angels have often delivered messages from God to man; however, any angel or man who preaches a perverted gospel will be "accursed" (Galatians 1:6-9). B.Angels are "ministering spirits" (Hebrews 1:13-14). C.Angels are not to be worshipped (Revelation 22:8-9).