1. Jesus spoke these words near the end of His ministry. 2. Although Jesus did not use the word, He identified Himself as "a recruiter." 3. Notice how the Lord mentioned 3 things in connection with serving Him. a. First, He called upon those who serve Him to give careful attention to following Him. b. Second, He indicated that those who serve Him will be where He is. c. Third, He stated that the Father will honor those who serve Him. 4. Being recruited by Christ to serve Him is a matter of utmost importance. 5. In our lesson we are searching the Scriptures with the intention of examining Jesus as a recruiter. 6. Let us begin by pointing out that . . . Discussion: I. AS A RECRUITER, THE LORD WANTS PEOPLE TO FOLLOW HIM
A. We read about the occasions when He called several of His apostles, including: 1. Peter and Andrew (Mark 1:16-18) 2. James and John (Mark 1:19-20) 3. Levi [Matthew] (Mark 2:14). B. In addition to the apostles, Jesus called others to follow Him (Mark 8:34). C. These verses are sufficient to show that the Lord wants people to follow Him. II. AS A RECRUITER, THE LORD ALLOWS US TO DECIDE WHETHER WE WILL FOLLOW HIM
A. The Lord did not force anyone to follow Him during His ministry, and He does not force anyone to follow Him today. B. He invites everyone to come to Him (Matthew 11:28), but each person is responsible for deciding whether he will become a follower of His. C. We must understand that our eternal destiny is at stake (Matthew 10:38). III. AS A RECRUITER, THE LORD REVEALED THAT THERE IS A PRICE TO PAY TO FOLLOW HIM
A. We have read that each person must "take up his cross." B. This is to be done "daily" in addition to "denying self" (Luke 9:23). C. Jesus showed how a price must be paid to follow Him as He dealt with 3 men in Luke 9:57-62. D. The rich young ruler would not pay the price (Luke 18:22-23). E. While there is a price to pay to follow the Lord, . . . IV. AS A RECRUITER, THE LORD ASSURED THAT BLESSINGS ARE AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM
A. The Lord will bless those who sacrifice to follow Him (Luke 18:28-30). B. Jesus revealed a very special blessing in John 8:12. V. AS A RECRUITER, THE LORD REVEALED A NUMBER OF RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE INVOLVED IN FOLLOWING HIM
A. Romans 14:19 B. Ephesians 5:1-2 C. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 D. 1 Timothy 6:11 E. Hebrews 12:14 F. 1 Peter 2:21-23 G. 3 John 11 Conclusion:
1. We have searched the Scriptures to learn about Jesus as a great recruiter. 2. Have you allowed Him to recruit you to be His follower?