Matthew 24:29-35
1. On Sunday evenings we are studying the Lord's teaching recorded in Matthew 24-25. 2. Review: a. (Matthew 23:36) While Jesus was speaking in the temple He pronounced destruction upon that generation. b. (24:1a) Jesus left the temple. c. (24:1b) The disciples showed Jesus the temple and the surrounding buildings. d. (24:2) Jesus told the disciples that the temple would be completely destroyed. e. (24:3) The disciples asked Jesus several questions. f. (24:4-28) Jesus answered the first question: "When shall these things be?" [When would the temple be destroyed?] 1) He warned His disciples not to be deceived. 2) He gave signs that would occur before the temple was destroyed. 3) He gave His disciples instructions to follow so they would not die. 3. (24:29-35) Jesus concluded what He had to say about the destruction of the temple, and He introduced what He had to say about His return and the end of the world. Discussion: I. (vs.29) IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS GREAT SIGNS WOULD OCCUR A. Jesus said that: 1. the sun would be darkened 2. the moon would not shine 3. the stars would fall from heaven 4. the powers of the heavens would be shaken. B. By comparing other passages that contain similar language we can understand what Jesus was teaching. 1. (Isaiah 13:1, 9-13, 17, 19) Similar signs are mentioned in connection with the overthrow of Babylon by the Medes. 2. (Ezekiel 32:1-12) Similar signs are mentioned in connection with the overthrow of Egypt by Babylon. 3. (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21) Similar signs are mentioned in connection with the establishment of the church on Pentecost. C. Jesus was telling His disciples that the Jewish kingdom would be overthrown when the temple was destroyed. 1. The Law of Moses was taken out of the way when Jesus died (Colossians 2:14). 2. However, the Jewish nation continued to exist until Jerusalem was destroyed. II. (vs.30-31) THE LORD SAID THAT HE WILL NOT RETURN UNTIL AFTER THIS TRIBULATION OCCURRED A. The disciples seemed to think that the temple would be destroyed when Jesus returns. B. Jesus informed them that these would be 2 different events. 1. First, the temple would be destroyed. 2. At a later time He will return. III. (vs.32-33) JESUS TOLD A PARABLE TO ILLUSTRATE THE IMPORTANCE OF WATCHING FOR THE SIGNS THAT WOULD INDICATE THAT THE TEMPLE WAS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED IV. (vs.34) THE THINGS JESUS TALKED ABOUT WOULD OCCUR DURING THAT GENERATION V. (vs.35) THE LORD'S WORDS ARE SURE Conclusion: 1. Jesus showed that the temple would be destroyed before He returns. 2. Beginning at vs.36, Jesus talked at length about His return. 3. He continued talking about His return through ch.25. |