1. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to Titus, who was serving the Lord in Crete, concerning his conduct as well as his teaching. 2. Ch.2 begins with an admonition for Titus to present "sound doctrine." 3. In our lesson we are emphasizing how "sound doctrine is for all ages." Discussion: I. (vs.2) SOUND DOCTRINE IS FOR THE AGED MEN
A. The aged men are to be: 1. "sober": temperate, free from the influence of anything intoxicating 2. "grave": honorable, worthy of respect, displaying a sense of dignity 3. "temperate": self-controlled, having the desires and impulses under control 4. "sound" [uncorrupt] in: a. "faith" b. "charity" [love] c. "patience" [endurance, steadfastness]. B. Let us consider 2 reasons why the aged men must follow these instructions. 1. First, because God says so. 2. Also, young men need to have the proper example set before them. II. (vs.3) SOUND DOCTRINE IS FOR THE AGED WOMEN
A. The aged women: 1. are to "be in behavior as becometh holiness": reverent, conducting themselves in a sacred manner 2. are not to be "false accusers": slanderers 3. are not to be "given to much wine": not addicted to strong drink 4. are to be "teachers." a. They are to be "teachers of good things": teachers of what is right. b. (vs.4a) Specifically, the older women are to teach the young women. III. (vs.4-5) SOUND DOCTRINE IS FOR THE YOUNG WOMEN
A. The young women are to be taught by the older women: 1. "to be sober": self-controlled 2. "to love their husbands": to be a suitable companion as God made Eve for Adam (Genesis 2) 3. "to love their children": to care for the children and be a companion to them 4. "to be discreet": controlling the desires and impulses [temperate-vs.2] 5. to be "chaste": pure, modest (see 1 Timothy 2:9-10) 6. to be "keepers at home": taking care of household affairs as the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 7. to be "good": upright, virtuous 8. to be "obedient to their own husbands": in subjection (Ephesians 5:22-24). B. These matters are extremely important -- the older women are to teach the young women to behave like this so God’s Word will not be blasphemed. IV. (vs.6) SOUND DOCTRINE IS FOR THE YOUNG MEN
A. Young men are "to be sober minded." B. A sober minded young man will: 1. have a desire to conduct himself as God wants him to 2. know what kind of conduct he must avoid 3. not allow himself to get into a compromising situation 4. consider the spiritual and physical consequences of his actions 5. avoid bad habits, even if everyone else participates in them. Conclusion:
1. Passages such these teach us how God wants us to behave. 2. According to 1 Timothy 3:15, the church is "the pillar and ground of the truth." 3. When people observe our behavior, they need to see the truth being supported.