1. (2 Peter 1:1-11) God has provided some special blessings for the benefit of His people. a. (vs.3-4) He has provided what we need to be "partakers of the divine nature," including "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" and "exceeding great and precious promises." b. (vs.5-11) He has provided "the Christian graces" to prevent His people from falling. 2. Each Christian is to give "all diligence" in adding the seven graces. 3. Review: a. "Faith" is the foundation upon which the graces are to be added. b. "Virtue" [courage, the determination to do what is right] is the 1st grace. c. "Knowledge" [moral wisdom, such as seen in right living] is the 2nd grace. d. "Temperance" [self-control, self-discipline] is the 3rd grace. e. "Patience" [endurance, perseverance, steadfastness] is the 4th grace. f. "Godliness" [reverence or respect toward God] is the 5th grace. g. "Brotherly kindness" [an affectionate kind of love that God's children have for one another as brothers and sisters] is the 6th grace. h. "Charity" [love that seeks what is best for other people in all situations] is the 7th grace. 4. (vs.8-11) We are shown why developing these graces is so important. 5. In this lesson we are concentrating on the information presented in vs.9. 6. This verse describes the spiritual condition of someone who fails to develop these graces. Discussion: I. (vs.9a) ONE WHO FAILS TO DEVELOP THESE GRACES HAS A VISION PROBLEM
A. Such a person "is blind" [spiritually blind, unable to see himself as the Lord sees him]. 1. To illustrate,: a. the Pharisees were "blind" (Matthew 23:24-26) b. the church at Laodicea was "blind" (Revelation 3:14-17). 2. To overcome spiritual blindness we must allow the Lord to open our eyes to His will (Revelation 3:18). B. Also, such a person "cannot see afar off" [shortsighted]. 1. To illustrate, Demas was "shortsighted" (2 Timothy 4:10a). 2. To overcome shortsightedness we must not lose sight of our ultimate goal. II. (vs.9b) ONE WHO FAILS TO DEVELOP THE GRACES HAS A MEMORY PROBLEM
A. Such a person has "forgotten that he was purged from his old sins." B. The Bible teaches Christians to avoid living in the past, but we must never forget that we have been purified from our sins. 1. We are purified when we obey the Gospel (Acts 2:38; 8:38-39). 2. However, our purification cost Jesus His life (Isaiah 53:4-12). C. Remembering and appreciating the Lord's sacrifice should motivate us to develop "the Christian graces." D. This principle is illustrated in Luke 7:36-50; 17:11-19. Conclusion:
1. (2 Peter 1:8-11) We are shown why developing these graces is so important. 2. We learn from vs.9 that one who fails to develop these graces is spiritually blind and shortsighted, and he has forgotten that he was purified from his sins. 3. Some positive information is presented in vs.8, 10-11.