The First-Century Church The Church in Colosse -- Beset by Heresies
1.The New Testament contains a tremendous amount of information [positive and negative] that was written "about" as well as "to" various congregations in the first century. 2.By examining this information we can learn the Lord's will for His church today (Colossians 4:16). 3.This lesson is a study of the church in Colosse that was unfortunately "beset by heresies." Discussion: I.GENERAL INFORMATION
A.We do not read "about" the establishment of this congregation in Acts. B.However, Paul wrote a letter [Colossians] "to" this church (1:1-2). 1.When he wrote this letter Paul had not been to Colosse (2:1). 2.He wrote it after Epaphras informed him about the church there (1:3-8). II.PAUL ISSUED SOME STRONG WARNINGS TO THE CHRISTIANS IN COLOSSE
A.These warnings are given in: 1.2:4 2.2:8 3.2:16 4.2:18 5.2:20-23. B.Paul's purpose for issuing these warnings is given in 1:28. C.The early church had to contend with philosophers who did not teach the truth about the Lord (1 John 2:22; 4:1-3). D.Paul's warnings indicate that such philosophers were in Colosse. E.To help the church overcome the influence of these philosophers, . . . III.PAUL EMPHASIZED SEVERAL IMPORTANT MATTERS
A.Paul emphasized "the preeminence of Christ." 1.1:15-19 2.2:9-10 3.3:11b B.Paul emphasized "what Christ has done." 1.1:14 2.1:20-22 3.2:11-15 C.Paul emphasized "the responsibilities of Christ's followers." 1.1:9-12 2.2:6-7 3.3:1-4 4.3:5-11 5.3:12-14 6.3:15-17 7.3:18-21 8.3:22-4:1 9.4:2 10.4:5-6