Let Us Learn about Baptism from the Epistles (Matthew 28:18-20)
1. In these verses Matthew recorded the Lord's Great Commission. 2. In our lesson we are studying one subject that Jesus included: "baptism." 3. We are concentrating on passages in "the epistles" that relate to baptism. 4. Let us begin our study with . . .
A. People who do not believe that baptism is essential often appeal to this verse. B. By looking at this verse in its context we can understand it. 1. (vs.10-13) Division existed in the Corinthian church, and it was sinful. 2. (vs.14-16) Paul showed why he was glad that he had personally baptized only a few people in Corinth. 3. (vs.17) Paul's main mission was to preach the Gospel. 4. The Gospel leads people to Christ, and they will want to be baptized because it is His will. 5. We read the results of Paul's preaching in Corinth in Acts 18:8. 6. Paul was not teaching that baptism is not essential for salvation.
II. ROMANS 6:3-7
A. Two verses show that we are "baptized into Christ" -- vs.3 is one of them. B. According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Christ made salvation available through His death, burial, and resurrection. C. Baptism is a likeness of the Lord's death, burial, and resurrection. D. When we are baptized into Christ we are made free from sin, and we are able to walk in newness of life. E. Those who take the position that baptism is not essential are in reality saying the Lord's death, burial, and resurrection were not necessary. F. Christ made a great sacrifice on our behalf, and these verses show us how to receive the salvation that He made available.
A. This verse mentions the "one body" ["the church" -- Ephesians 1:22-23]. B. This verse shows us how to get into the one body -- we are baptized into it. C. This applies to everyone: Jews, Gentiles, bond, and free. D. There are not many ways to get into many bodies -- there is one way to get into the one body.
A. Vs. 27 is the other verse that shows us we are baptized into Christ. B. When we are baptized into Him we put Him on. C. This applies to everyone: Jew, Greek, bond, free, male, and female. D. When we are baptized into Christ we become heirs to a very special promise made to Abraham many years ago.
A. There is only one true baptism. B. We learn from Acts 19:5 which baptism the people in Ephesus received.
A. Baptism is a "burial" [immersion]. B. We are buried with the Lord, and we are raised with Him. C. When we are raised with Christ we receive forgiveness of sins through the faith of the operation of God.
VII. 1 PETER 3:21
A. We are saved when we are baptized. B. Baptism is not just an outward cleansing. C. It is the response of a person who is honestly seeking to do the Lord's will.
1. The epistles reveal some very important information about "baptism." 2. It is an essential part of the Great Commission that Christ commanded. 3. Have you complied with these passages that we have studied?