Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 06Introduction:
1. As we study and teach the Scriptures we are responsible for "rightly dividing [accurately handling] the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). 2. We are examining several principles that will help us to fulfill this responsibility. 3. The Scriptures teach that we must: a. consider all that the Bible teaches on a subject to know the truth (Psalm 119:160) b. not participate in activities just because they seem right to us (Proverbs 14:12) c. avoid human traditions and commandments (Titus 1:13-14) d. avoid questions that contradict the truth (Titus 3:9) e. follow the teachings of the New Testament because it has replaced the Old Testament (Hebrews 8:6-13). 4. The theme for this lesson: To rightly divide the word of truth we must continue in the doctrine of Christ. 5. This simply means that we must abide in the Lord's teaching. Discussion: I. THIS PRINCIPLE [CONTINUING IN THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST] IS ADDRESSED IN A NUMBER OF PASSAGES A. We are to: 1. continue in the Lord's doctrine to be His disciples (John 8:31) 2. allow the Lord's Word to dwell in us (Colossians 3:16) 3. look into the Lord's Word and practice its teachings (James 1:25). B. In order to continue in the Lord's teaching we must properly identify it. 1. According to John 12:49-50, the Lord's teaching is the Word of God -- Jesus delivered the message that the Father gave to Him. 2. To be more specific, the New Testament is the Lord's Word (Hebrews 9:15). 3. The entire New Testament is the Lord's Word, including the Gospels and the Epistles. a. Much of the Lord's actual teaching is recorded in the Gospels; however, the Lord's Word is not limited to the Gospels. b. (Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus told the apostles to teach the things He had taught them. c. (John 15:15) Jesus revealed to the apostles everything He had heard from the Father. d. (John 14:26; 16;13) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help the apostles as they taught His Word. e. (Ephesians 3:3-5) The Spirit also guided the apostles and prophets as they wrote the Lord's Word. f. (1 Corinthians 14:37) The writings of the apostles are "the commandments of the Lord." II. THE NEED TO APPLY THIS PRINCIPLE [CONTINUING IN THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST] IS ALSO ADDRESSED IN A NUMBER OF PASSAGES A. Those who fail to continue in the doctrine of Christ will face serious consequences, including: 1. being judged by the Lord's Word (John 12:48) 2. having no fellowship with God (2 John 9-11). B. Those who continue in the doctrine of Christ will enjoy special blessings, including: 1. knowing the truth that makes one free (John 8:32) 2. having fellowship with God and Christ (John 14:23) 3. having prayers answered (John 15:7). |