Matthew 25:14-30
1. On Sunday evenings we are studying the Lord's teaching in Matthew 24-25. 2. Review: a. (Matthew 24:2) Jesus said that the temple would be destroyed. b. (24:3) The disciples asked Jesus several questions. c. (24:4-28) Jesus gave a number of warnings, signs, and instructions that related to the temple's destruction. d. (24:29-35) Jesus showed that the temple would be destroyed and that He will return at a later time. e. (24:36-51) As Jesus talked about His return He stressed the importance of watching and being prepared for it. f. Jesus continued talking about His return in ch.25. g. (Matthew 25:1-13) He presented the parable of the 10 virgins. 3. (Matthew 25:14-30) Jesus related the parable of the talents. a. In this parable Jesus showed His followers how to be ready for His return. b. He also showed why we must be ready for His return -- when He returns we will face Him in judgment. Discussion: I. THE PARABLE A. (vs.14-15) A man, who was going on a long journey, divided his goods among his servants. 1. He would be gone for a long time. 2. He wanted his goods to be taken care of while he was gone, so he entrusted them to his servants. 3. He gave his goods to his servants according to their individual ability. a. To one servant he gave 5 talents. b. To one servant he gave 2 talents. c. To one servant he gave 1 talent. 4. A "talent" was a considerable sum of money. 5. This man was trusting his servants to care for his goods while he was gone. 6. The servants would be responsible for the way they used his goods. B. (vs.16-18) We learn what the servants did with their master's goods. 1. (vs.16) The servant who had been given 5 talents traded with them and made 5 more. 2. (vs.17) The servant who had been given 2 talents traded with them and made 2 more. 3. (vs.18) The servant who had been given 1 talent hid his in the ground. C. (vs.19-30) The master reckoned with his servants. 1. (vs.19) After a long time the master returned and asked his servants to account for the way they had used his goods. 2. (vs.20-21) The servant who had been given 5 talents was blessed for his faithfulness. 3. (vs.22-23) The servant who had been given 2 talents was blessed for his faithfulness. 4. (vs.24-30) The servant who had been given 1 talent was cursed for his wickedness and slothfulness. a. This servant tried to make excuses. 1) (vs.24) He told his master about how hard he was. 2) (vs.25) He revealed his main problem -- FEAR. 3) He tried to return the talent he had been given. b. The master did not accept the talent or his excuses. c. This servant was cast into outer darkness. D. The symbolism in this parable: 1. The man going on a long trip refers to the time between the Lord's ascension and return. 2. The servants refer to the Lord's followers. 3. The master's return and the reckoning of the servants refer to the Lord's return and the judgment. 4. The blessing refers to eternal life in heaven, and the curse refers to eternal condemnation. II. APPLICATION A. The Lord has given us different gifts that He expects us to use (Romans 12:4-8). B. As stewards of these gifts from the Lord, we have 1 main requirement: FAITHFULNESS (1 Corinthians 4:2). C. We will be judged on the basis of how we use what the Lord has given us. D. We must not allow fear to prevent us from doing the Lord's will (Revelation 21:8). E. We learn from the 1 talent man and Moses that God does not accept excuses (Exodus 3:7-4:17). F. If we use what the Lord gives us, He will bless us with more, and we will be prepared to face Him in judgment when He returns. |