Matthew 25:31-46
1. We are concluding our study of the Lord's teaching in Matthew 24-25. 2. Review: a. (Matthew 24:2) Jesus informed His disciples that the temple would be destroyed. b. (24:3) The disciples asked Jesus several questions. c. (24:4-28) Concerning the temple's destruction, Jesus gave a number of warnings, signs, and instructions. d. (24:29-35) Jesus showed that the temple would be destroyed and that He will return at a later time. e. Beginning at 24:36, Jesus talked at length about His return. 1) He did not give any signs that will occur before His return. 2) However, He did give some warnings and instructions (24:42, 44). 3) He also presented 2 parables that are recorded in Matthew 25. f. (Matthew 25:1-13) In the parable of the virgins, Jesus stressed the importance of being ready for His return (vs.13). g. (25:14-30) In the parable of the talents, He showed His followers how to be ready for His return so they will be blessed at the judgment. 3. (Matthew 25:31-46) Jesus concluded His answer to the disciples' questions by giving a vivid description of the judgment. Discussion: I. JESUS TELLS US WHO WILL BE INVOLVED IN THE JUDGMENT A. (vs.31a) Jesus will be involved. 1. He will come in His glory, and He will sit upon the throne of His glory. 2. When Jesus returns, He will serve as judge (John 5:22, 27; Acts 17:31). B. (vs.31b) The holy angels will be involved. 1. They will accompany Jesus when He returns. 2. These angels are also mentioned in Matthew 24:31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8. C. (vs.32) All nations will be involved. 1. "All" will appear before the Lord's judgment seat (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). 2. Included are "the quick and the dead" (2 Timothy 4:1). II. JESUS TELLS US WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE JUDGMENT A. (vs.32) The Lord will separate those who are gathered before Him. 1. This is compared to a shepherd separating his sheep from his goats. 2. (vs.33) One group will be on His right hand and the other on His left hand. B. (vs.34-40) Those on the Lord's right hand will be blessed. 1. (vs.34) They will enter the kingdom prepared for them which is described as "life eternal" (vs.46b). 2. (vs.35-36) They will be blessed because they ministered to the Lord. 3. (vs.37-40) They will have ministered to the Lord by serving others. C. (vs.41-45) Those on the Lord's left hand will be cursed. 1. They will be condemned to a place of everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels which is described as "everlasting punishment" (vs.46a). 2. They will be cursed because they did not minister to the Lord. 3. They will have failed to minister to Him by failing to serve others. D. These 2 groups can also be seen in another parable (Luke 10:30-35). III. APPLICATION A. On the basis of these principles, let us examine: 1. our "faith" (James 2:14-17) 2. our "love" (1 John 3:17-19). B. Let us also follow the instructions given in Galatians 6:9-10. Conclusion: 1. The Lord said that the temple would be destroyed, and it came to pass. 2. Those who heeded His warnings and instructions escaped without harm. 3. He also said that He will return one day. 4. Those who heed His warnings and instructions will be prepared to face Him in judgment. |