We Must Not Neglect the Great Salvation (Hebrews 2:3)
1. In our lesson we are examining a number of verses that relate to "the great salvation" mentioned in Hebrews 2:3. 2. According to this verse, "the great salvation": a. "at the first began to be spoken by the Lord" b. was confirmed by those who heard the Lord [the apostles]. 3. The point being made is that we must not neglect the great salvation that was made known by the Lord and confirmed by the apostles. 4. With this information in mind, let us search the Scriptures to determine what Christ and the apostles said about the great salvation. Discussion:
A. Christ revealed His purpose for coming to earth in Luke 19:10. B. In 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul confirmed the Lord's purpose for coming to earth. II. CONCERNING THE GREAT SALVATION, LET US DETERMINE THE PRICE THAT WAS PAID SO WE COULD BE SAVED
A. Christ revealed the price He paid in Matthew 26:28. B. In 1 Peter 1:18-19, Peter confirmed the price that the Lord paid. III. CONCERNING THE GREAT SALVATION, LET US FIND OUT HOW WE RECEIVE IT
A. To receive the great salvation we must believe. 1. Christ required belief in John 6:29; 3:14-18. 2. In Romans 10:10a, Paul confirmed that belief is a requirement. B. To receive the great salvation we must repent. 1. Christ required repentance in Luke 13:3, 5. 2. In Acts 3:19, Peter confirmed that repentance is a requirement. C. To receive the great salvation we must confess the Lord. 1. Christ required confession of Him in Matthew 10:32. 2. In Romans 10:10b, Paul confirmed that confession is a requirement. D. To receive the great salvation we must be baptized. 1. Christ required baptism in Mark 16:16. 2. In Acts 2:38, Peter confirmed that baptism is a requirement. E. We know from Christ and the apostles how to receive the great salvation. Conclusion:
1. God does not want anyone to neglect the great salvation (2 Peter 3:9). a. He made it available through His Son. b. He confirmed it through the apostles. 2. Those who obey the Gospel and remain faithful to the Lord will be blessed with a great reward (Revelation 2:10).