Some Principles that Relate to Change (Daniel 2:20-21)
1. Each year we experience 2 changes in time when we "spring forward" and "fall back." 2. Since we changed to Standard Time last night, perhaps this is a good time for us to examine "some principles that relate to change." 3. Let us begin by considering several . . .
A. According to Daniel 2:21, God causes certain changes to occur. 1. (vs.21a) God "changeth the times and the seasons" [based on the natural laws He established at the Creation (Genesis 1:14)]. 2. (vs.21b) God "removeth kings, and setteth up kings" [based on the response of people to His will (Daniel 4:25b, 35, 37)]. B. Circumstances can change a person's countenance (Daniel 5:6). C. There are certain personal matters that we cannot change (Jeremiah 13:23). D. We make certain changes, such as clothes, regularly (Genesis 41:14). E. After considering these general principles, let us turn our attention to some . . .
A. Certain individuals and objects do not change. 1. According to Malachi 3:6, God does not change. a. This is not to imply that God does not ever change His mind because He has "repented" many times. b. However, His nature remains the same, and His promises are dependable. 2. We learn from Hebrews 13:8 that Christ does not change. 3. God's Word does not change. a. It is "perfect" (Psalm 19:7; James 1:25). b. We understand that there has been a change in the law (Hebrews 7:12). B. We must avoid changes that do not meet with God's approval. 1. We learn from Romans 1:22-27 that God gave up on the Gentiles because of unapproved changes they made. 2. Those who change God's Word will be punished (Revelation 22:18-19). 3. A serious warning is given in Proverbs 24:21 -- "meddle not with them that are given to change." C. God wants His people to change continually by growing and improving. 1. Continual growth is mentioned in 2 Peter 3:18. 2. Continual improvement is mentioned in Hebrews 6:1. D. Christians look forward to a special change that will take place when the Lord returns. 1. Philippians 3:20-21 2. 1 Corinthians 15:51-58
1. We have examined a number of principles that relate to change, including: a. general principles b. specific spiritual principles. 2. Certain changes must not be made while others must be made regularly. 3. If you need to make changes in your life, make them today!