1. Peter began his second letter (1:1-4) by showing that God has provided special blessings for the benefit of His people. a. He has provided what we need to be "partakers of the divine nature." b. Included are "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" and "exceeding great and precious promises." 2. Peter continued (1:5-11) by showing that God has provided special responsibilities [the Christian graces] for the benefit of His people. 3. (1:12-15) Peter emphasized the importance of "always remembering these things." 4. Peter showed in 1:16-21 that the teaching of the apostles is reliable. 5. In ch.2 Peter issued a strong warning to Christians against false teachers. 6. Previously, we covered the information presented in 2:1-11. a. (vs.1-3, 9b-11) Peter warned that false teachers would affect Christians. b. (vs.4-6) Peter used 3 illustrations to show how false teachers, and those who follow them, will be punished. c. (vs.7-9a) Peter showed how the Lord will deliver the godly. 7. In this lesson we are studying 2:12-22 where Peter revealed additional information that would help Christians in identifying and avoiding false teachers. Discussion: I. PETER COMPARED THE FALSE TEACHERS UNDER CONSIDERATION TO:
A. "natural brute beasts" (vs.12) B. "spots and blemishes" (vs.13; Ephesians 5:27) C. "wells without water" and "empty clouds" (vs.17) D. Balaam (vs.15-16; Numbers 22:20-35; 25:1-3, 9; 31:16). II. PETER DESCRIBED THE FALSE TEACHERS UNDER CONSIDERATION AS UNCONTROLLED
A. (vs.13) They were like those who "count it pleasure to riot in the day time." B. (vs.14) Peter said that they "cannot cease from sin," having hearts they had "exercised with covetous practices." III. PETER REVEALED THE TACTICS OF THE FALSE TEACHERS UNDER CONSIDERATION
A. (vs.12) They spoke evil of things they did not understand. B. (vs.14) They sought to beguile "unstable souls." C. (vs.19) They promised "liberty," while putting people in "bondage." D. Similar instructions are given in Jude 8, 10-13, 16-19. IV. PETER REVEALED THE DESTINY OF THE FALSE TEACHERS UNDER CONSIDERATION
A. (vs.12) They would "utterly perish in their own corruption." B. (vs.13) They would "receive the reward of unrighteousness." C. (vs.17) "The mist of darkness" would be reserved for them forever. D. (vs.20-22) They would suffer worse than someone who never knew about Christianity.