1. In our lesson we are studying a very important subject mentioned in these verses -- "the remission of sins." 2. We are examining passages that reveal: a. what the remission of sins is b. why we need the remission of sins c. the requirements associated with the remission of sins. Introduction: I. THE SCRIPTURES REVEAL WHAT THE REMISSION OF SINS IS
A. The word translated "remission" is also defined as "freedom," "pardon," "deliverance," "forgiveness," and "liberty." B. An illustration of the remission of sins is given in Hebrews 10:15-17. 1. The writer quoted Jeremiah 31:31-34 [a prophecy of a new covenant]. 2. One of the features of this new covenant is that God will no longer remember sins and iniquities. C. In the Scriptures, the remission of sins is forgiveness or removal of sins.
A. According to 1 John 3:4, sin is the transgression of God's law. B. The effects of sin are widespread (Romans 3:23). C. The consequences of sin are serious (Romans 6:23a; Isaiah 59:2). D. Thankfully, God has made the remission of sins available to us. III. THE SCRIPTURES REVEAL THE REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REMISSION OF SINS
A. The remission of sins requires the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). 1. Animal blood cannot provide the remission of sins (Hebrews 10:4). 2. Only the blood of Christ provides the remission of sins (Matthew 26:28; Romans 3:23-25). B. The remission of sins requires action. 1. The Lord did His part when He shed His blood on the cross. 2. We learn from Acts 2:36-38 that the Lord requires us to repent and to be baptized in His name [these requirements were given to Jews]. 3. The Lord requires the same from Gentiles (Acts 10:42-43, 48). C. The remission of sins requires preaching. 1. John's preaching illustrated this principle (Mark 1:4). 2. Jesus included preaching the remission of sins when He gave His Great Commission (Luke 24:45-47). Conclusion:
1. The Lord made the remission of sins available when He shed His blood on the cross. 2. He grants the remission of sins to those who comply with His will. 3. Have you received this special blessing?