The Sermon on the Mount 14
1. The Lord's teaching in Matthew 6:19-34 relates to having our priorities in the proper order. 2. We learn from vs.19-24 that having proper priorities involves laying up treasures in the right place. Discussion: I. (vs.19) JESUS TAUGHT WHERE WE ARE NOT TO LAY UP TREASURES A. Treasures: things that are precious to us, things we love the most. B. We are not to lay up for ourselves treasures upon earth. 1. Earthly physical things are only temporary -- they will not last forever. 2. They are subject to being destroyed by moth and rust, being stolen by thieves, and being burned up when Jesus returns. 3. Those who lay up this kind of treasure do not have their priorities in the right order. C. The Lord is: 1. not telling us that we are not to provide for ourselves and our families 2. telling us not to give ourselves to hoarding up material possessions [as illustrated by the rich fool in Luke 12:15-21]. D. Those who have been abundantly blessed need to take heed (1 Timothy 6:9-10). 1. Some wealthy men are generous, and this pleases the Lord (1 Timothy 6:17-19). 2. However, many are only concerned about keeping what they have and getting more. E. After teaching us where we are not to lay up treasures, . . . II. (vs.20) JESUS TAUGHT WHERE WE ARE TO LAY UP TREASURES A. We are to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven. 1. These are things of a spiritual nature -- they will last forever. 2. They are not subject to being destroyed by moth and rust, being stolen by thieves, and being burned up when Jesus returns. 3. Those who lay up this kind of treasure do have their priorities in the right order. 4. The Lord will not forget this kind of treasure (Hebrews 6:10). B. After teaching us where we are to lay up treasures, . . . III. (vs.21-24) JESUS GAVE 3 REASONS WHY WE MUST LAY UP TREASURES IN THE RIGHT PLACE A. (vs.21) First, we must lay up treasures in heaven because "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" [by determining where a person's treasure is you can tell where his heart is -- Proverbs 23:7]. B. (vs.22-23) Second, we must lay up treasures in heaven so we will radiate true light. 1. The "single" eye refers to being focused on 1 thing [if we focus on laying up treasures in heaven without any interference, we will be full of light -- Matthew 5:16]. 2. The "evil" eye refers to being overly concerned with earthly treasures. a. Even a person like this has influence. b. However, his influence is not light -- it is darkness. C. (vs.24) Third, we must lay up treasures in heaven because we cannot serve God and mammon. 1. You cannot serve 2 masters at the same time because your loyalty will be divided. 2. The rich young ruler illustrates what Jesus was talking about (Matthew 19:16-22). Conclusion: 1. The Lord's teaching in Matthew 6:19-24 ought to help us realize the importance of obeying passages such as 1 Corinthians 15:58 and Galatians 6:9-10. 2. When we leave this life, we leave all our earthly things behind. 3. If we have laid up for ourselves treasures in heaven, we can leave this life looking forward to something wonderful. |