1. According to 2 Peter 3:18, we are to give careful attention to growing in the knowledge of Christ. 2. Jesus revealed the key to accomplishing this growth in John 5:39 -- "searching the Scriptures." 3. As we study the Lord's ministry and His teaching in the Scriptures, we see that a number of references are made to "giving thanks." 4. In our lesson we will show: a. from the Gospels that giving thanks was very important to Jesus b. from the New Testament epistles that Christ wants His people to be thankful. Discussion: I. THE GOSPELS SHOW THAT GIVING THANKS WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO JESUS
A. Jesus gave thanks on many occasions, including: 1. when He fed the 4,000 (Matthew 15:32-38) 2. when He fed the 5,000 (John 6:5-13) 3. when He gave instructions for His Supper (Matthew 26:26-29). B. Jesus also thanked the Father: 1. for revealing certain things to certain people (Matthew 11:25) 2. for hearing Him (John 11:41). C. During His ministry,: 1. Jesus commended a Samaritan who thanked Him for curing his leprosy (Luke 17:12-19) 2. Jesus condemned the Pharisees for the way they expressed gratitude (Luke 18:9-14). II. THE NEW TESTAMENT EPISTLES SHOW THAT CHRIST WANTS HIS PEOPLE TO BE THANKFUL (1 Corinthians 14:37)
A. Ephesians 5:3-4, 20 B. Philippians 4:6 C. Colossians 3:15, 17; 4:2 D. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 E. 1 Timothy 2:1; 4:4-5 F. Hebrews 13:15