1. Peter began his second letter (1:1-4) by showing that God has provided special blessings for the benefit of His people. a. He has provided what we need to be "partakers of the divine nature." b. Included are "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" and "exceeding great and precious promises." 2. Peter continued (1:5-11) by showing that God has provided special responsibilities [the Christian graces] for the benefit of His people. 3. (1:12-15) Peter emphasized the importance of "always remembering these things." 4. Peter showed in 1:16-21 that the teaching of the apostles is reliable. 5. In ch.2 Peter issued a strong warning against false teachers. 6. (3:1-9) Peter warned against "scoffers" who would question the Lord's return. 7. In this lesson we are studying the information found in 3:10-14 where Peter presented the truth about "the day of the Lord." Discussion: I. (vs.10a) PETER EXPLAINED HOW THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL ARRIVE
A. Peter stated that "the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night." B. Paul made the same point in 1 Thessalonians 5:2. C. This expression simply means that the time of the Lord's return in unknown. D. We must not be deceived into thinking that the Lord will not return. 1. Peter warned against this in 2 Peter 3:3-4. 2. Jesus said that He will return in John 14:2-3. 3. We learn from Acts 17:30-31 that God has "appointed a day" when His Son will return in judgment. E. Many attempts have been made to predict when Jesus will return, but the day of the Lord will arrive "as a thief in the night." F. Keep in mind that Peter taught what the Lord taught him (Matthew 28:19-20). 1. See Matthew 24:36-41 a. Jesus first stated that no man or angel knows when He will return. b. He compared His return to the flood in Noah's day. 1) God said He would destroy the earth with a flood. 2) Sadly, no one outside of Noah's family was prepared for the flood. c. Jesus explained how a separation will occur when He returns. 2. See Matthew 24:42-43 a. Jesus taught His followers to "watch" for His return. b. He used a thief breaking into a house to illustrate the importance of watching. 3. See Matthew 24:44-51 a. Jesus taught His followers to "be ready" for His return. b. He contrasted 2 servants to illustrate the importance of being ready. 4. See Matthew 25:1-13 a. "The parable of the virgins" is recorded in these verses. b. Jesus used this parable to illustrate the importance of watching and being ready. II. (vs.10b-14) PETER PRESENTED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
A. (vs.10b) When the day of the Lord arrives, everything will be destroyed. B. (vs.11-12) Looking forward to the day of the Lord should affect the way we live. 1. Our "conversation" is to be "holy." 2. We are to pursue "godliness." C. (vs.13) We are to look forward to a new dwelling place that God has promised. D. (vs.14) Looking forward to this should lead us to be diligent so we can be in good standing with the Lord.