1. Peter began his second letter (1:1-4) by showing that God has provided special blessings for the benefit of His people. a. He has provided what we need to be "partakers of the divine nature." b. Included are "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" and "exceeding great and precious promises." 2. Peter continued (1:5-11) by showing that God has provided special responsibilities [the Christian graces] for the benefit of His people. 3. (1:12-15) Peter emphasized the importance of "always remembering these things." 4. Peter showed in 1:16-21 that the teaching of the apostles is reliable. 5. In ch.2 Peter issued a strong warning against false teachers. 6. (3:1-9) Peter warned against "scoffers" who would question the Lord's return. 7. (3:10-14) Peter presented the truth about "the day of the Lord." 8. In this lesson we are studying Peter's concluding remarks (3:15-18). Discussion: I. (vs.15a) PETER MENTIONED "THE LONGSUFFERING OF OUR LORD"
A. The scoffers would question the Lord's return because of the delay in the arrival of that last great day (vs.3-4). B. Peter showed that this delay should be accounted "salvation," as explained earlier in vs.9. II. (vs.15b-16) PETER MENTIONED PAUL'S WRITINGS
A. Peter referred to Paul as "our beloved brother," even though Paul had earlier rebuked him (Galatians 2:7-13). B. Peter acknowledged Paul's inspiration (Ephesians 3:1-7). C. In his letters Paul had addressed the same subjects as Peter, including: 1. the day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16; 5:1-4) 2. the judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10) 3. living righteously (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Romans 12:1-2). D. Peter stated that Paul wrote about "some things hard to be understood." 1. While some Scriptures may be challenging, they can be understood (Ephesians 3:4). 2. Unfortunately, some who are unlearned and unstable twist Scriptures to their own destruction (Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Corinthians 4:6). III. (vs.17) PETER MADE AN APPEAL FOR GOD'S PEOPLE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL
A. Peter was aware that his readers knew the things he wrote. B. Peter warned Christians not to fall into error. IV. (vs.18a) PETER PRESENTED THE KEYS TO REMAINING FAITHFUL
A. Grow in grace. B. Grow in the knowledge of Christ [which requires going to the right source -- 1:16].