1. Jesus said that something very special can be known -- "the truth." 2. Jesus also revealed the key to knowing the truth -- "continuing in His word." 3. A special blessing is associated with knowing the truth -- it makes us "free." 4. We have been searching the Lord's word so we can know the truth about His return, the judgment, the resurrection, and heaven. 5. In this lesson we are searching the Lord's word so "we can know the truth about Hades." 6. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. THE LORD'S WORD ILLUSTRATES WHY WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT HADES
A. (Exodus 3:6) God identified Himself as "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" when He spoke to Moses from the burning bush. B. When the Sadducees asked Jesus about the resurrection, the Lord quoted this passage to show that "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living" (Matthew 22:31-32). C. We need to keep in mind that these 3 men died many years before God spoke to Moses (Genesis 25:7-8; 35:28-29; 49:33). D. We know from the Lord's word what happened to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. II. THE LORD'S WORD REVEALS SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS RELATING TO DEATH
A. We learn from Hebrews 9:27 that death is an appointment that all will keep. B. Exceptions include Enoch (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5), Elijah (2 Kings 2:1, 11), and those who will be alive when Jesus returns (1 Thessalonians 4:15). C. According to James 2:26, death occurs when the spirit departs from the body. D. How grateful we need to be that . . . III. THE LORD'S WORD REVEALS WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SOUL AFTER DEATH
A. Let us examine what happened to two men who faced death (Luke 16:19-31). 1. (vs.22) When Lazarus died he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom where he was comforted (vs.25). 2. (vs.23) The rich man went to "Hades" [not "hell"]. a. He was in an area known as "torments." b. (vs.24) He was tormented by a flame. 3. (vs.26) A great gulf is fixed between these two places. B. Let us examine what happened to Christ. 1. (Luke 23:46) Jesus died (Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; John 19:30). 2. Before He died Jesus said He was going to paradise (Luke 23:43). 3. (Acts 2:22-32) Peter showed from Psalm 16:8-11 that the Lord's soul was not left in "Hades" (vs.27, 31). 4. This implies that the Lord's soul went to Hades. 5. However, on the third day after He died, the Lord's soul was reunited with His body, and He was resurrected. C. To Summarize: After death occurs the soul goes to a place known as "Hades." 1. Hades: the temporary dwelling place of departed spirits 2. In Hades,: a. there is a place of comfort (Paradise, Abraham's bosom) where the souls of the righteous await the resurrection b. there is a place of torments where the souls of the unrighteous await the resurrection. Conclusion:
1. At the resurrection, "Hades" will deliver up the dead in it (Revelation 20:13). 2. The spirits will be reunited with their bodies. 3. At the judgment, Hades will be "cast into the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:14).