1. In these verses Jesus indicated that we can know the truth -- "ye shall know the truth." 2. To know the truth we must "continue" [abide] in the Lord's word. 3. An important component of continuing in the Lord's word is taking all that it teaches on any given subject. 4. This brings us to the theme for our lesson. 5. To know the truth on a Bible subject we must carefully consider all that the Bible teaches concerning that subject. 6. Failure to apply this principle can result in the misunderstanding of Scripture. Discussion: I. LET US APPLY THIS PRINCIPLE TO THE LORD'S ARREST
A. (Matthew 26:51) One of the Lord's followers used his sword to defend Jesus. B. (Mark 14:47) The same basic information in given. C. (Luke 22:50) Luke informs us that the right ear was cut off [Luke also informs us that Jesus healed the man -- vs.51]. D. (John 18:10) John revealed the name of the Lord's follower and the name of the high priest's servant. II. LET US APPLY THIS PRINCIPLE TO THE OCCASION WHEN DAVID NUMBERED THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL
A. This event is recorded in 2 Samuel 24. 1. (vs.1) The pronoun "he" seems to indicate that God moved David to do what he did. 2. (vs.2) When David instructed Joab to number the people, he revealed his motive. 3. (vs.3) Joab tried to change David's mind. 4. (vs.4-9) Joab complied with David's command. 5. (vs.10-14) David acknowledged his sin after Gad confronted him. 6. (vs.15-17) 70,000 men died because of David's decision to number the people. B. If we only read these verses we might conclude that God was responsible for what happened. C. This would be a contradiction because God does not tempt anyone to sin (James 1:13). D. Thankfully, this event is also recorded in 1 Chronicles 21 -- vs.1 states that Satan "provoked David to number Israel." III. LET US APPLY THIS PRINCIPLE TO THE OBSERVANCE OF PASSOVER WHEN HEZEKIAH WAS KING OF JUDAH
A. The law stated that Passover was to be observed during the first month (Leviticus 23:4-6). B. (2 Chronicles 30) Hezekiah and his people observed Passover in the second month. 1. (vs.1-5) Hezekiah revealed his plan, and the people approved. 2. (vs.13-18) Many people complied with Hezekiah's plan. C. If we only read these verses we might conclude that God's Word may be compromised with His approval; however, . . . D. The Law of Moses made provision for those who were unclean to observe Passover in the second month (Numbers 9:9-11). Conclusion:
1. Jesus indicated in John 8:31-32 that we can know the truth if we continue in His word. 2. An important component of continuing in the Lord's word is taking all that it teaches on any given subject.