God Does Not Forsake His People 02
1. The Bible states in many passages that "God does not forsake His people." a. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Moses assured the Israelites that God would not forsake them. b. (Joshua 1:5) God said that He would not forsake Joshua. c. (1 Chronicles 28:20) David assured Solomon that God would not forsake him. d. (Hebrews 13:5-6) Christians are assured that God will not forsake us. 2. As 2013 concludes we are examining several of God's greatest servants who struggled with this issue. 3. As we look at these Bible characters we are presenting information that will help us maintain our confidence in God's faithfulness throughout the new year. 4. In this lesson we are examining David. Discussion: I. GOD LOOKED AT DAVID AS "A MAN AFTER HIS OWN HEART" (1 Samuel 13:14) II. DAVID DEMONSTRATED HIS GREAT FAITH IN GOD WHEN HE DEFEATED GOLIATH (1 Samuel 17:32-51) III. DAVID OFTEN EXPRESSED HIS CONFIDENCE IN GOD'S PRESENCE AND GOD'S BLESSINGS IN HIS PSALMS (Psalm 21:1-7; Psalm 23) IV. DAVID REACHED A POINT IN HIS LIFE WHEN HE FELT THAT GOD HAD FORSAKEN HIM (Psalm 22:1-2) A. David was familiar with hardship. 1. He spent many years avoiding Saul because Saul wanted to kill him (1 Samuel 18:11). 2. He also fled from his son Absalom (2 Samuel 15:13-14). B. David never stopped believing in God, but he faced an experience that caused him to: 1. ask why God had forsaken him 2. think that God did not hear his cries for help. V. PSALM 22 ALSO SHOWS HOW DAVID REALIZED THAT GOD HAD NOT FORSAKEN HIM A. He reflected upon God's presence and God's blessings in the past. 1. (vs.3-5) David remembered how God had blessed the fathers of Israel. 2. (vs.9-10) David realized that God had blessed him from birth. B. These reflections led David to continue to call upon God (vs.11, 19-21). C. David exhorted others to appreciate God's faithfulness (vs.23-24; Psalm 20). |