1. In Luke 1:32 the angel Gabriel told Mary that Jesus would "be great." 2. Gabriel certainly spoke the truth, and the Scriptures emphasize the Lord's greatness. 3. In our lesson we are studying passages which show that "Jesus is the great Prophet." 4. Let us begin by pointing out how . . . Discussion: I. MOSES PROPHESIED IN DEUTERONOMY 18:15-22 THAT A GREAT PROPHET WOULD COME IN THE FUTURE
A. (vs.15-19) This Prophet would: 1. come from among the Jewish people 2. be like Moses 3. speak the words given to Him by God [those who reject His words will be held accountable]. B. (vs.20-22) We read about other prophets and how they were to be treated. II. JESUS FULFILLED THE PROPHECY GIVEN IN DEUTERONOMY 18:15-19
A. (Acts 3:19-26) Peter stated that Jesus is the Prophet whom Moses said would come. B. Let us determine whether Jesus possessed the characteristics that Moses listed. 1. Jesus came from among the Jewish people -- His genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 indicate that He was a descendant of Abraham. 2. There are some similarities between Christ and Moses. a. (Deuteronomy 34:10-12) Moses was recognized a great prophet because of the mighty works he performed. b. The works that Jesus performed led people to recognize Him as the great Prophet of Deuteronomy 18 (John 6:14; 7:40). c. While there are some similarities between Christ and Moses, the Lord is far greater than Moses (Hebrews 3:1-6). 3. Jesus spoke the words that God gave to Him (John 17:8), and those who reject His words will be held accountable (John 12:48). C. The Scriptures clearly show that Jesus is the great Prophet whom Moses said would come. D. By way of application, we need to point out that . . . III. WE HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES TOWARD THE LORD'S WORDS
A. We must appreciate the Lord's words for what they are. 1. His words are "everlasting" (Matthew 24:35). 2. His words are "spirit and life" (John 6:63). 3. His words are "words of eternal life" (John 6:68). B. We must "continue" [abide] in the Lord's words. 1. We must do this to be blessed (James 1:25). 2. We must do this to be made free (John 8:31-32). 3. We must do this to have our prayers answered (John 15:7). 4. We must do this to have the Father and the Son abide with us (John 14:23). Conclusion:
1. In summary,: a. God raised up this great Prophet, Jesus b. God gave His words to Jesus, and Jesus has revealed them c. we are responsible for following His words. 2. Let us fulfill our responsibilities toward His Word.