Matthew 24:36-51
1. Review: a. (Matthew 23:36) While Jesus was speaking in the temple He pronounced destruction upon that generation. b. (24:1a) Jesus left the temple. c. (24:1b) The disciples showed Jesus the temple and the surrounding buildings. d. (24:2) Jesus told the disciples that the temple would be completely destroyed. e. (24:3) The disciples asked Jesus several questions. f. (24:4-28) Jesus answered the first question: "When shall these things be?" [When would the temple be destroyed?] a. Jesus warned His disciples not to be deceived. b. He gave a number of signs that would occur before the temple was destroyed. c. He gave His disciples instructions to follow so they would not lose their lives. g. (24:29-35) As Jesus concluded what He had to say about the temple's destruction, He showed that He would return at a later time. 2. Beginning at 24:36, Jesus talked at length about His return. 3. (24:36-51) Jesus emphasized watching for His return and being prepared for it. Discussion: I. (vs.36) JESUS TALKED ABOUT THE TIME OF HIS RETURN A. He said that no man or angel knows when He will return (Mark 13:32). B. However, the Father has appointed a day when Christ will judge the world (Acts 17:30-31). II. (vs.37-39) JESUS COMPARED HIS RETURN TO THE FLOOD THAT OCCURRED IN NOAH'S DAY A. (Genesis 6:3-7) God set a day when He would destroy man. B. Noah and his family followed God's instructions and were prepared for the flood (Genesis 6:14-22; Hebrews 11:7). C. Everyone else failed to prepare and consequently perished in the flood. D. When the time of the Lord's return arrives, it will be too late to get prepared. E. We must follow the example of preparation set by Noah. III. (vs.40-41) WHEN JESUS RETURNS A SEPARATION WILL OCCUR A. Jesus implied that His return will be a surprise. 1. If the time of the Lord's return could be determined,: a. would people be working in the field? b. would women be grinding at the mill? 2. (1 Thessalonians 5:2) The day of the Lord will come "as a thief in the night" [unexpectedly]. B. This separation that will take place at the Lord's return will be for eternity (John 5:28-29). IV. (vs.42-51) JESUS GAVE SOME INSTRUCTIONS THAT RELATE TO HIS RETURN A. (vs.42a) He said, "Watch." 1. (vs.42b) He showed why we must watch for His return. 2. He illustrated the importance of watching for His return in vs.43. B. (vs.44a) He also said, "Be ready." 1. (vs.44b) He showed why we must be ready for His return. 2. He illustrated the importance of being ready for His return in vs.45-51. a. (vs.45-47) Wise servants who serve their Master faithfully will be blessed. b. (vs.48-51) Evil servants who do not serve their Master faithfully will be punished. Conclusion: 1. (vs.4-28) Jesus gave a number of signs that would indicate the temple was about to be destroyed. 2. However, He gave no signs relating to His return (vs.36-51). a. No one knows when that day will be. b. We are to watch and be prepared for it. |