1. This morning we showed from the Scriptures that "Jesus came in the flesh." 2. As His followers we need to study carefully the events that took place during His time on earth as well as His teaching. 3. In our lesson we are concentrating on a special event -- "Jesus' baptism." 4. We will examine "the baptism that Jesus received" as well as "the baptism that Jesus commanded." 5. Let us first examine . . .
A. In addition to Matthew 3:13-17, Jesus' baptism is recorded in: 1. Mark 1:9-12 2. Luke 3:21-23. B. By carefully examining these passages we learn the details of Jesus' baptism. 1. Jesus traveled from Nazareth to the Jordan River to be baptized. 2. At the Jordan River, Jesus was baptized by John. 3. John at first tried to prevent Jesus from being baptized. a. When John baptized people, they confessed their sins (Matthew 3:5-6). b. John's baptism was based on "repentance" (Mark 1:4). c. John's baptism was "for the remission of sins" (Mark 1:4). 4. The purpose for Jesus' baptism was "to fulfill all righteousness." 5. When Jesus was baptized,: a. He prayed b. the Spirit descended upon Him (John 1:32-34) c. the Father identified Jesus as His Son. 6. Jesus was about 30 years old when He was baptized. 7. After His baptism Jesus was led into the wilderness.. C. Since Jesus' baptism was such an important event to Him, we need to give careful consideration to . . .
A. Jesus included baptism in His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16). B. By carefully examining a number of passages we learn the details of New Testament baptism. 1. The baptism that Jesus authorized is "for the remission of sins" (Acts 2:38). 2. Baptism is a likeness of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). 3. We are "baptized into one body" (1 Corinthians 12:13). 4. We are "baptized into Christ" (Galatians 3:27). 5. There is only one true baptism (Ephesians 4:5). 6. Baptism is a burial (Colossians 2:12). 7. We are saved when we are baptized (1 Peter 3:21). C. In Acts we read about many people who were baptized, including: 1. the 3,000 on Pentecost (2:41) 2. men and women in Samaria (8:12) 3. Simon (8:13) 4. the eunuch of Ethiopia (8:38) 5. Saul (9:18; 22:16) 6. Cornelius and his household (10:47-48) 7. Lydia and her household (16:15) 8. the jailer in Philippi (16:33) 9. 12 men in Ephesus (19:5).
1. As He began His ministry, Jesus was baptized. 2. After He fulfilled His ministry, He included baptism in the Great Commission. 3. As we look forward to a new year, let us be reminded of our responsibilities to carry out His work.